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Where do I get a copy of the cadastre?


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I have stupidly lost our copy of the cadastre that we were given when signing the Acte Authentique.  This was about three months ago.  We now need a copy of this (I believe) to accompany our application to undertake work on the property.  Where do I go to get a copy? We are in Dept 46

Many thanks  Claire

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Or a larger full sized copy from the Cadastral dept at your local Hôtel des Impôts for about 1 or 2€ per copy. I've bought many copies of different properties over the years in connection with our work and own place.
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Just to confirm what Zeb and Val have said. The mairie keep a list of who owns what (that's a list of land parcels) , and can tie it up to the plan cadastral, which is the map. Beware, check very carefully. When we bought out house, the notaire forgot to give me the plan cadastral,  and it wasn't until four years later that we discovered that the cadastre had been wrongly revised, and we didn't own - according to the cadastre, our front garden!!


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Yes, the copies from the Impôts office is much more likely to be upto date because they receive all the copies of recent new properties and complete building projects and more informative than your local mairie copies which are usually more of just an outline of each parcel without any markings.
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Thanks to you all for your advice and help. I have now been made aware that what I thought I needed was the plan cadastre, which is what I have lost, whereas what I do need is the list of land parcels, of which we have several copies.  Will still go and get a copy of the plan cadastre, so I can work out where our land begins and ends.

Thanks again,  Claire

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