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Sorry, Inheritance again, but a different situation.


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I'm single, still hope that I might become Mr Average with a loving wife, 2.2 children and a Ford Mondeo, but hey, I'm getting on, so it may not happen. I think I understand that the English assets go where I want, but that the french assets would go to my mother. Here's the rub, she doesn't want the house. She'd rather it went straight to my Brother and Sister (She wants to be under the threshold so that we don't have to pay any tax on what she leaves).

Now, I sincerley hope that I out live her by quite a few years, but should the worst happen, can I exclude her from inheriting my cottage or can she decline it and get it passed straight to the others?


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Your mother could refuse to inherit, it is called refuser la succession. Then everything would be split between your siblings. However it has to be done at the tribunal de grande instance and after you are dead (to put it bluntly) What you could do is make a will, because you can decide what to do with a part of what you have, and leave more to your brother and sister, therefore reducing your mother's share.

Leave Wiltshire!! Longer life expectancy in France, anyway!!!
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