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Vide Grenier and the rest of the house

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What did you chuck before moving to France that you regret not keeping.

I remember someone once saying on here that they were going to get rid of a lot of their crockery before moving and that is the one thing that I need lots of here. If I haven't got around 40 dinner plates, wine glasses and cutlery then I buy more.

And here I am, I keep looking at all our accumulated stuff and wonder how on earth we can start sorting out. Surely some stuff can go and we won't miss it. It is making me nervous now. We really had so much less to bring 24 years ago.

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Hi TU, are you starting to get ready then?

We chucked anything that had been sitting in the barn (yes we had one in England too) for 4 years, and things that had been sitting around the house, "in case" for four years, including clothes, materials, craft type stuff, old bits of god knows what that 'might come in handy'. All that pretty much worked out OK

We gave away a lot of other things which, when I add the cost of replacing them all up, and the time and energy looking for things, seems now to be stupid, just to save on the cost of removal (smaller van, less weight). We gave away nearly all our furniture, big mistake, we thought we would find things we liked quite easily, hundreds of books, including lots of reference books, (deeply regretted now) wheelbarrows, garden benches, tables and chairs (huge mistake) huge clay pots for the garden, exotic plants, about 40 of them in nice pots, left for purchasers of the property (about 400 quids worth, so never replaced), lots of garden tools (we kept one set, but we need 3 sets really). Enormous work bench and vice thing, massive collection of albums I thought I would never listen to again.... i won't go on.

I dunno, i did what I thought was best at the time, what else can any of us do, small sis, a childrens hospice, and our buyers did very nicely out of it, but we are still paying for it now.


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We regret not chucking more but the only things I have had to replace which I gave away :

Socket testing plug with three lights/diodes to show if earth was OK and neutral and power were reversed. Thought I would pick one up in France.

Damp meter (ditto)

First Harvey Andrews LP, and first Three Nick Jones LPs ( was sure they would eventually be issued on CD 

50 cm by 50 cm by 80 cm tumble dryer ( fits under the stairs whereas a French one won't)


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