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Titre de sejour


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I'm sorry to bring this old chestnut up again, but I have done a search on it and can't find the info I need.

We are now in our own house and have a permanent address. Now, to save us carying our passports around we want to get our 'Titre de Sejour'. We have heard stories of British ex-pats trying to get  them and being refused because they don't need them.There is an EC Directive that states that we can obtain these, does anyone know the referance for this please?


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Why not just go to your local Marie and ask to apply for one?.  It probably varies from place to place but you will probably need birth/marriage certificates, proof of residence (much ther same stuff as for the carte vitale) and possibly also proof of income, we had to get a letter from our Bank Manager to confirm income, plus 4 photographs, two are for the temporary carte you get while your final CDS is being processed.

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There doesn't need to be any european directive about this, french law is quite sufficient.

Ask your local mairie what documentation/proof you need to get one and include telling them that you know that you entitled to apply for one. If the prefecture says otherwise then I would suggest that you say that the ministry of the interior says that you are entitled to apply. Usual old rules apply ofcourse and if you qualify then the prefecture must issue one. Some of these prefects are being illegally difficult about this. I know that they love the 'power' they have, but the truth is that even they are answerable.

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Thanks you guys. We will get into the Marie and see what they say. The prefecture in Carcassonne seem quite good in the vehicle dept, but who knows?

I'll let you know how we get on. Too busy cutting down catapillar 'cocoons' today to worry about 'owt else... Don't they burn well!


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[quote]Thanks you guys. We will get into the Marie and see what they say. The prefecture in Carcassonne seem quite good in the vehicle dept, but who knows? I'll let you know how we get on. Too busy cutting ...[/quote]

They burn very well!  At least they do when my husband flames them with his gas wand (for burning weeds).  Be careful you don't come into contact with them though and make sure there are no escapees (?) when the cocoon drops.


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Don't worry Sue, all these little sods met their maker!! We found another 2 cocoons in the garden, but we think they have already fled the nest, as it were. I will make sure that the lower branches of the trees are cut and gone for the next lot + we will be looking out for the eggs when they are due!!!

Oh how I love me long lopper (oh dear I hope I don't upset the powers that be?)

John. (in our lovely new home in the Aude!!)

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