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What's wrong with the Anglo-Saxon model?

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So having heard M. Chirac's comforting words to La France yesterday.  I ask myself what is it about La France, Les Francais that does not wish to adhere to the Anglo-Saxon model of economics.  What is it about it that they hate, is it because they do not like the economics and its social impacts.

So what is the French model then?

Do the French want to have and live in a socialist state in today's capitalist society?

Does La France fear the asian, indian and chinese economies?  Or does La France feel that it is not important or relevant to them.

Chirac wants France to go their own way.  Nothing new there, but what about all that unemployment, inflexible workforce and fudged inflation levels?  Or is it important, should we worry or should we just get on with it and enjoy our beautiful french lives, long summers, good food and fine wine?

Just a thought.

Deby (17 Charente Maritime).


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The French exception is founded on solidarity and looking after one another. Concepts which from a UK perspective have more in common with  Swedish socialism or even seventies Bennism than anything we have seen in the UK post Thatcher. It all seems very strange to see a so called right-wing (Chirac) politician defending the social rights which are perecived as being under threat from the Anglo Saxon model espoused by a left-wing government (TB).

I think that in the people at large there is still a stronger sense that if everyone bought French goods then jobs would be created etc etc, . A bit like Robert Maxwell's "I'm backing Britain" in the good old days of Harold Wilson.

Such ideas might have had some validity at some point in history, but how they can be made to work in today's worldwide markets, free trade, cheap and easy transport , who knows.

The rift between Paris and the richer towns who are realising the harsh realities of 21st century life, and the poorer rural areas can be seen in the voting patterns from last sunday.

Overall the French a still nostalgic for the days when the EU was a club which propped up the French market, rather than being an open door for free trade. Remeber when all imported video recorders were scrutinised by one customs officer at Poitiers.


Never mind, M de Villepin has given himself 100 days to reinvigorate the economy.

As they say on French TV news, rendez-vous mi septembre.........





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Only it isn't quite the looking after one another model either. The paradoxes I found here confounded me.

One side there was a great deal of aid for people, until they didn't actually fit into the system and then they were one their own, literally. It used to appal me.

It was the french who during Thatcher's time who went to the UK and asked her to not get rid of the safety nets in place in the UK. France didn't have them, but they knew that they really were not such a bad idea. And many many years later, the RMI and CMU came in and I sort of gave a sigh of relief because such things seem souhaitable in a modern society. The abusers of the system though, well I would bring back the stocks for them....... because I am a bit paradoxal myself.

I can't work out what is wrong with the anglo saxon model, only I think that most french people I know think of it as being American and there perhaps is the rub, .

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it isn't quite the looking after one another model

Yes thats the rub, what hurts is giving up my right to a good pension, cheap healthcare, early retirement, comprehensive healthcare etc. What also hurts is being called upon to pay for these goodies.

As Raffarin said in his interview with the BBC "I  have been in politics long enough to know that I would have been more popular if I had given people more holidays, but what was needed was to sacrifice a day, and that is what I chose." As a French friend said he was an honest man who started to make some of the reforms that were needed, and see where it got him. But the further reforms will not be popular.

Need to start a new thread; What are the regs for keeping your own supply of Gazoil?

Anyway, to the box everybody , Mr De V is telling St Patrick P d 'A  what he intends to do,  at 20:00 tonight.

Shame I have got to go out.

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As I said for those who are in the system it is benevolent. Unemployed and it is not the same at all. There is high unemployment and benefit is not automatic or good etc etc.

What is the new PM going to say. I'm sure that he will talk for quite some time and say next to nothing, PPDA is hardly J. Paxman.

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It is such a dilemma.

I would like good healthcare, good education, a nice pension. I would also care about those who are less better off than myself and that there is a system in place that can provide these.

However, taxes are the only way to pay for these things. That is the rub. 

What I object to is mindless waste of resources, levels of unecessary bureaucracy that is costly. Inefficiency!

Oh I wish they would free the job/enterprise market up, make it easier for everyone.  Get rid of those funcionnaires who push bits of paper around in order to catch you out!

I like to go to the shops on Sundays, but then I like the peace and quiet.  and the fact if there is no shopping time can be spent with the family.

C'est la vie!


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