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Did you know.......

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.......that in France, 2005 is the Year of Brasil ?



........that the French used 10 million fewer condoms last year than in 1994?    To combat the decline, some pharmacies are selling 5 for a euro, complete with slogans:

L'abus de preservatifs peut provoquer un bonheur intense.

Vous êtes à un paquet par jour?  Bravo!

Arrêter de faire l'amour réduit les chances de bonheur. 


Et voilà. 

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........that the French used 10 million fewer condoms last year than in 1994? To combat the decline, some pharmacies are selling 5 for a euro, complete with slogans:

L'abus de preservatifs peut provoquer un bonheur intense.

I'll say !!

Vous êtes à un paquet par jour? Bravo!

Bravo......bluddy wonderful I'd say !!

Arrêter de faire l'amour réduit les chances de bonheur.

And I wouldn't want to take that chance, would you

I may be none the wiser personally but I am happy that out there, there are people who can "faire l'amour" and finish off a whole packet in the same day....wow c'est magnifique (ou incroyable !)

Makes "something for the weekend sir" seem somehow, not enough really !

More like "Your usual gross for the month sir"

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Seems a shame to waste them. 

We could sell them at a profit to the Brasilians when they arrive.

Or put butter in them.  It would save a few trees, and the Poor People could use them when they've finished the free not-for-resale butter.

Or put tripe in them to make super-tasty andouillettes.

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Furrynix said 

'Can you let me know where I can get the 5 condoms for a euro please Mrs Bay?'

Forgive me, FurryNix, but isn't it a little late in your case? I see the proverbial horses bolting as stable doors flap wildly in the wind.


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SB .."...Or put tripe in them to make super-tasty andouillettes"

Thanks SB you have now gone and blown my little magouille ! On reading your post, I entered swftly into discussion with the makers and our local boucherie, a deal was struck and bosh, now my petit scam is all over the WWW.

I even had the name prepared "Sexy Sausages" and the slogan "Be protected eat Mikis Bangers"

Ah well, nothing ventured..............

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I know what you mean Mrs Tresco, but I use them for storage containers and not for artificial interception.

They are great for use as moulds in novelty jelly making and making model trains and synthetic snakes, and even for rooting cuttings and propergating seeds! they are hanging all over my greenhouse.

Sausages could do with being sexier! They look horrible don't they? very like big long cold pink things.

Linda Macartney sausages are the only ones I allow in my home, you don't know what's in them things? Make sure you know whats in that sausage before you touch it!

The French also invented the condom by using a sheeps stomach tied round their todger, they then would re-use it and even lend them to other French blokes for a small fee.




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