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Sad news (again) in the Alpine Tunnels

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I was really sorry to hear that there had been another fatal fire in an Alpine Tunnel (this time the Frejus). I know people loose lives on the roads every day, but when it's a fire in a tunnel it seems worse.


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I have been through that tunnel a few times and I thought the French side - safety wise was terrible.  The distance between emergency exits was too far - over a kilometer and then they were poorly lit/marked.  Lighting is terrible in there.  Complete contrast to the Italian part of the tunnel, the distances between exits are less, the signs are clearly marked and the tunnel is well lit.

An accident waiting to happen I thought.  One would think after Mont Blanc the French would have got their acts together.  My guess is another bureaucratic deadlock!

My heart goes out to the victims and their families - this is a needless waste of life.


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This is awful. We've had fires in the last few years in the MontBlanc tunnel, Tunnel du Chat, a little fire in the Tunnel de l'Epine recently. Now the Frejus. In spite of the warnings, drivers don't keep their distance.

I 'm so sorry this has happened, the sooner they get the rail FRET lines through the Alps the better.

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