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Residents permit


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No. The Carte de Séjour was compulsory for people coming to live here for more than three months a couple of years ago but the authorities have stopped issuing them now. HOWEVER, you can still demand to be issued with a Titre de Séjour because some employers will still demand to see one and that you are properly living in France and for starting up as self employed,the local Chambre de Metiers/Commerce may also demand that you obtain one. Each dept seems to have conflicting rules hence all the different stories you get from forum contributors. If you are not an EU national then you probably will have to obtain a residence carte.
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If you are an EU citizen, then no you don't need one.

But they are useful as a form of non-quibble ID, if you don't have one you need to carry your passport and a proof of address with you.

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Hello janda

As far as I am aware, no you do not need a CDS (carte de sejour - sometimes known as a titre de sejour) to reside in France.
There is a possibility that you may need one if you intend to work in France - I am sure someone with better knowledge than I will correct or confirm this statement.

I have done some research on your behalf and I have found that whether or not you need a CDS may actually depend upon which department you intend to live in. It does vary despite France being a member of the EEC/EU.

During my research I found this site that was posted by a member of another forum and hopefully the site will answer your questions for you. Have a look http://europa.eu.int/index_en.htm at this link.

Good luck with your move and I hope that you and yours will be happy wherever you move to.

Bonne chance.




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For identification with address we have a 'lettre de domicile' from the Mairie.   It doesn't have a photo, so you may sometimes need a passport or driving licence too, but we have found that it is generally accepted.   Just go to the Mairie and ask - it's free.
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Yes we got something similar from our Mairie. We tried to get a Titre de Sejour and asked at the Mairie and the Prefecture but both said we didn't need one despite me asking for one to make it easier for ID purposes. My french isn't good enough to argue my case so we left it at that! They said to use a passport until it expires. Whether that means something will be issued at a later date or not I don't know. As a previous poster said, it varies from one department to another and here in the Creuse it seems they won't issue them. Unless anyone on the Forum knows different?
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In France laws are passed and the law said that we didn't have to have a titre de sejour, but we had the right to ask for them and be given them if we qualify to have one.

Mairie's don't have anything to do with the issue of these titre's other than they will sort the paper work out and send it off to the Prefecture. The problem is the Prefet in the Creuse, or so it would seem. Believe me, even Prefets have to respect french law and if you want a titre de sejour, you will have to tell your Mairie to tell the Prefecture that you are insisiting on applying for one.

What tosh about an expiring passport. I can't help but wonder if this is official BS or just something that they make up as they go along. As foreigners I would say we needed valid passports. I would never let mine expire.


So no, I disagree emphatically that anything like this varies from one dept to another. Maybe just how sot the prefet is, perhaps. The Prefet is there to uphold the law, not make it up according to some divine right they may imagine that they have.


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