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moving to france

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is it very hard to get a residence and work permit and france. I would love to live in france but i hear that it is hard to actually get that visa for there. Also i would love to know if france is a good place to live in terms of job opportunities and resources, coming from america. Please write back. Thanks.
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Re jobs, it depends where you will live and what you do.   In the North, where I live, jobs are few and far between even for native French people, and Engluish speakers are not greatly in demand.  In Paris or the South you might find it easier.  What line of work are you in?   Do you speak good French?

Whether you can have a residence permit will depend on whether you have a job or can show sufficient means to support yourself without one.  I don't know the ins and outs of works permits but French unemployment is high and unless you have a particular skill which is needed and for which there are insufficient French candidates I suspect you are right, it would be difficult to get one.   That said, France is a great place to live so don't give up.   Have you asked your local French consulate for advice?  

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As most people on this forum are British or EU nationals I would suggest you contact your local branch of the French Consulate or Embassy and speak to them re the visa and residency problem as you do not have the freedom of movement here that EU nationals have and we are not qualified to advise you correctly. As previously stated, French unemployment is the highest currently in the richer countries of the EU with the UK having the least unemployed. Speaking fluent french is a must to compete for a good job which are far and few between outside the large cities and towns and salaries in France are very low compared to other countries as the social charges are very high and take home pay reflects this fact. If you have a skill to offer you could set up being self employed but the paperwork is longwinded and charges high. France is a wonderful country in which to live and those of us lucky to live and work here appreciate that but never forget the fact that in reality the underlying problems are no different from what you are used to there.
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