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inflatable arms

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It's that time of year, isn't it?   I used to think that the blokey left arms hanging out of car windows (driver's side) were real, but close observation of the driving involved has led me to believe they're inflatable, probably 4 euros each from Foir'Fouille.

I mean, you can't really change gear, overtake on a twisty road, negotiate a roundabout etc, with only one hand, surely?  

Or can you?   Please tell me, or I might get arrested for gratuitously squeezing them. 

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[quote]I mean, you can't really change gear, overtake on a twisty road, negotiate a roundabout etc, with only one hand, surely? Yes![/quote]

**I mean, you can't really change gear, overtake on a twisty road, negotiate a roundabout etc, with only one hand, surely?**

They now have this new-fangled technology called an 'Automatic Transmission'!! I have had one for 35 years or so but then I have always been ahead of my time.

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And Mr O can do it whilst pouring a coffee from his thermos and choosing a sandwich from his tuck box!

Thing is though , the driver then has to become a passenger on their days off....to get an even suntan

Mrs O

Just an afterthought SB, do not go pinching builders bums to see if they are real

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Now aren't we getting a little carried away with these high technology cars.


Since the year dot I've seen this done, usually blokes with a clope hanging from the corner of their mouths in their QuatreL or their Deux Deuche usually an Arcedian (sp). And I don't think we had the Foire Fouille then.


And I think the blokes who do this would not be adverse to a little squeeze, in fact it would probably be quite welcome

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LOL TU , I had to re read that one....for a moment there I thought you said `dope` hanging from the corner of their mouths  though I suppose that has been known

On the theme of temping a little squeze, hands up all of you who want to pinch the bums of those lycra clad cyclists when you are passing by in the passenger seat and your inflatable arm is hanging out

Mrs O

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Sorry if these questions have been asked already, but I haven't had chance to read it properly, I just skimmed through looking for the answers and couldn't see them.

Where is the Inflatable Arms? I guess it's got a sea view or at least a lake. What beer do they serve and do they do food? Nice Landlord?


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On the theme of temping a little squeze, hands up all of you who want to pinch the bums of those lycra clad cyclists when you are passing by in the passenger seat and your inflatable arm is hanging out

No thank you, those lycra-clad lads all look far too healthy and virtuous, you can have too much of a good thing.   Mr SB, on the other hand, cycles about 35km a day, but still manages to be "verging on corpulent", according to the médécin! 


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