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Florence & Hussain

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Wasn't able to access the Forum earlier in the week or I would have posted on this before.  Irrespective of the circumstances surrounding it, wasn't everyone absolutely delighted to hear of their release?  It's an example of the positive power, ie good of the media.  Here are two people you've never previously heard of yet night after night, day after day, you're constantly reminded of their captivity.  I loved the TV5 slogan, "they went for you, they'll come back for you" and the poetry readings and piano recitals all aimed at keeping us aware of their absence.  And how about the rallies and stunts and inspired initiatives, especially all those pictures on Paris buildings?  It was incredible what their supporters did to ensure they weren't forgotten.  I was also very much touched by how all French commentators automatically spoke of Florence & Hussain when talking about the hostages.  I'm sure in some parts of the world the poor old driver/interpreter would have been often overlooked.  And don't you admire her courage?  157 days bound and blindfolded in a Baghdad cellar and out she comes smiling and cheerful, if a lot thinner, still finding something positive to say about her captors.  What an extraordinary woman.  Look forward to reading the book she's no doubt planning to write.  M
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I have just seen on the Wanadoo page that June 18 at 23.00 Florence Aubenas is the invitée d'honneur de l'émission "Toute la Nuit Ensemble" on France 5.  The programme will go on until 6.00 in the morning and is "consacré" to all those (as you mentioned) who helped and did all they could towards the liberation of Florence and Hussein Hanoun.
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And wasn't it interesting that the day they were released, the BBC 10 o'clock news reported the release of Florence but Hussain didn't get a mention!

I was mighty impressed with the way the French journos kept the whole issue in the public conciousness and J even had a wet eye when we saw the television coverage of Florence coming back to France.


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Very glad that Florence and Hussain have been released but let's hope that something just as wonderful will happen for Ingrid Bettencourt who is a hostage of the Columbian F.A.R.C. and has been now for the last 1200+ days!!
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And wasn't it interesting that the day they were released, the BBC 10 o'clock news reported the release of Florence but Hussain didn't get a mention!

Although this is what I secretly suspected, it's still hugely disappointing to hear.  Especially when I look back on the dozens of programmes/articles I encountered in the French media during their captivity that without exception always spoke of "Florence and Hussain".  It's pretty shameful really.  M


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