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Where's my post


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Hello, Is there something up with LF forum.  I took along time yesterday responding to a post to someone and it has gone. Have the gremlins been in?  I checked my cache and it does not appear to have  saved my response there.  I know I certainly wrote it as there were subsequent responses.  Hopefully it can be resurrected as I spent a while answering Dormouses' questions.
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Seems like another wobble Deby , but sort of OK now.  I know in the press it is the silly season but on LF as well?

Have the all the categories moved again, queries about CGT in useful links, well beats "shall I bring my gas cooker with me? "  that WAS a really useful link and ADVERTS for buying land in the UK in owning French Property

Has the site gone mad, is it August and all the mods are on their hols?  Will Dirty Den arise from the concrete for the wedding? or is  this a new game, aim your first post towards the Forum and hope it lands somewhere near the right category, Don't know what all those little boxes are for below, has someone gone to the trouble of creating topics and subjects, How daft

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I lost a post too Deby. happily it was very silly and of no use to anyone.

It took me ages to get into the forum this morning. One of those 'stack trace exception things, but the words 'login failure' appeared frequently.

I thought I had been banished for being a horse

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