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Will we see an increase in people moving to France


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Increases in council tax, petrol, diesel, electricity, are they're more wanting to escape the UK

Im seeing a big increase in property enquiries especially in the last month

And all the doom and gloom I see on the news is giving me second thoughts on going back or at least I'm seriously thinking about keeping our house here in France. As the move back comes nearer the more Im seeing how much cheaper it can be here. Going back isn't looking good!

I know the increases will happen in France but they never seem to be as much.

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I think the increase in inquiries that you are seeing has more to do with winter approaching and the number of people who are inspired by their French holidays.

Costs have gone up in France too, in fact the difference in petrol and diesel seems to be narrowing.

For comparison tonight I paid 94p a litre for unleaded (€1.39)

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It's a bit late and the footie is finishing so very quickly Lee, here is a rough breakdown of what our place costs to run and includes :

Taxe Hab inc Redevance and Taxe Fonc inc Ordures Menagere ; Impots ; House and business Insurance ; Car Insurance ; Electric & Water ; Cotisations ; Advertsing of the business ; Social Tax ; Fees for daughter at school ; toilet rolls (hundreds and hundreds !) miles of cleaning materials ; a certain amount of new linen annually and if I think of any other major ex's I will post them.

No mortgage, which is a vital "no, no" to running a business like ours.

That lot is not far short of 20,000€ and that doesn't even inc petrol, food and all the other living ex's. Sure we are quite large and it inc 3 cars insurances but none the less, it is a fair bit to chase before you open the doors. In fact, I wish I hadn't looked it all up now !!

Whatever you might think, it really isn't cheap to live and work here (legally). I suppose in the UK that might be cheap but I have no idea, here it ain't cheap, especially when you take in to consideration that we have had to pay £70 plus in the UK for a nice B&B and around here they usually range from around 40€ to 65€

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And I'd add to that the fact that even it was cheaper here, there should be more consideration than finance in making the move to another country.  You need to LIKE and WANT to live in France to come here.  I know of one family who have moved back because they hated it and another who would LIKE to move back but can't afford to!
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