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Seasonal Groan

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[quote]Kids have been back at school 3 days here, so of course it was just the right time for the local garden centre to start putting out the Christmas stock......[/quote]

A bit premature, what!   I haven't even got round to buying my bikini for the summer yet.

Still, you'll have NO excuse for not being ready when Christmas arrives, Gay.  Poinsettias all round! 

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I believe Harrods open their Christmas section in mid-summer to catch the foreign visitors' market, though if I were a tourist looking for Christmas decs I think I'd head to the States where the choice is awesome.  There was a time when all the september editions of UK magazines used to include flyers for ordering charity Christmas cards and gifts but I haven't seen these in recent years, perhaps they appear now in the June or July edition???  Seriously, my mother would have had her Christmas cake and pudding made by now and I must say even I'm "thinking" about buying dried fruit to start soaking.  Don't all groan at once now. M

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I remember being in John Lewis some years ago and overhearing one of the assistants talking to her friend.  The friend was saying that she supposed the assistant would be pleased when the summer sale was over because things would calm down but the assistant replied that it would be quiet for a week or so but that 5th (or maybe 6th?) September was the official day for putting out the Christmas stock.  Clearly ties in with Gay's comments about kids going back to school.

At least here is France it doesn't tend to happen til after armistice day. Although I've noticed in the last six years it has crept forward by a good month!  Our first Christmas out here there was nothing in the shops until December - quite right too!!!  I only buy stuff early, stash it away and end up buying more because I've either forgotten that I've already bought stuff or forgotten where I've hidden it!!!

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John Lewis used to be my seasonal moan, sure as eggs were eggs the day the kids went back to school John Lewis would start the Christmas campaign, however in recent years this annual event has moved further and further back.

I wonder if it has to do with people having more holidays and Christmas being put into a different perspective for many ?
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Do not forget that ASDA, TESCO and the like start to promote their saving stamps in January, the amount of customers who would stock pile on cards/crackers and giftwrap in the january sales was incredible....I would forget I had bought them and re join the stampede mid December!

NB must remind dad to get some crackers before he comes for a holiday in October!

Mrs o

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Went into the local (UK) Stephen Smith's Garden world on September 30th with my wife. I peered past some black plastic sheeting, only to find them building Santa's grotto.

The next area had decorations, etc already on sale. September, for heaven's sake

Still, I suppose it's better than seeing "Back to School" posters before I've even gone away for the summer


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Our first Christmas out here there was nothing in the shops until December - quite right too!!! 

The first year we were in France I was beginning to think the French didn't celebrate Christmas at all for there was no sign of cards or decorations in the Paris department stores even in early December.  I was about to write to the UK asking friends to send me a few packets when I finally fell upon a ropey old stall outside the side entrance of Printemps selling a few Unicef seasons greetings cards.  I didn't realise that the French do not send out Christmas cards so happily sent them to all the Frenchies I knew.  They were all extremely well received so I continue to send them today, even though I know I'm unlikely to get many back, at least until early Jan.

I only buy stuff early, stash it away and end up buying more because I've either forgotten that I've already bought stuff or forgotten where I've hidden it!!

Oh Coco, me too, EVERY YEAR.  And it's very irritating with young nieces and nephews because what you buy for them one year, they've usually outgrown by the time you unearth them and want to send them the next.  I now keep all the things I pick up throughout the year in a box clearly labelled pressies.

Re seasonal groan, I clearly remember a Christmas Eve in the late 70s.  I was working in London and dashed into Marks at the Pantheon around 9.45 in the morning to pick up some of their extra thick fresh cream.  But I was too late, they'd sold out!  And as I made my way out through the entrance onto Great Marlborough Street, shop assistants were busy putting out shorts and sleeveless tops.  On the 24th December...


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