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Forum Performance

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I would say no difference. It is always a bit variable (between slow and painful) so it is difficult to be definite – i.e. I cannot say that it is not faster, just that it is still very slow at times. It certainly nothing close to all the other forums on the internet (sorry).


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It certainly seems to compare well with other, normally faster, forums this morning (and that's on a poor dialup connection of only 38k rather than the more usual 46-48 that I get according to http://mire.ipadsl.net/speedtest/speedtest4.php).

One thing I've definitely noticed is far fewer of those pauses whan nothing is happening that I previously got so often on dialup.

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The page http://forums.livingfrance.com/displaygroup.aspx?GroupID=57 took 195 seconds to show anything (at around 10:30 French time 24/Sept/2005). Once the beginnings of the title were shown, the rest followed fairly quickly. I’m on a 1MB ADSL link which works well and everything else is fine.

So is it faster – NO.

Although its only 10:30 I’m dreading pressing the “Post” button as I need to go out thisafternoon.

Might I suggest Archant get some IT professionals in as identifying performance bottlenecks is not a big deal for experienced professionals. Archant have been aware of the performance issues with this site for close on a year and have been unable to resolve them. Maybe time to get some professionals in ?

Postscript: It has taken so long to get this posted I can categorically say the site is far worse – virtually unusable at the moment. Nobody anywhere can call this usable - a classic IT failure. Taken me 8 mins to post this (excluding typing time – just 8 mins waiting for the forum !!!)

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It is variable. Sometimes unusable (as my post above), but loading this page to see the new post only took 20 seconds (flying for this site) – its just very up-and-down.

I would think (most likely) the speed limitations are on LF/Archant end of things rather than where one is located as for me, when LF is “off-for a coffee break”, everything else (UK/France/US/etc.) sites all work fast with no problems. I would think the reasons different people are experiencing different things is probably this variability.


As (this edit is adding to this post), the post was done virtually immediately, yet it is only a short time ago it was a complete dog for me.
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Can we have another round of comments about the forum's performance over the next few days?

Specifically any comments on the following points would be useful:

  • Do the forums generally seem quicker (after 26/9) ?
  • Do you find them to be performing more consistently now - either faster or the same speed; but not varying wildly between running quickly and slowly?
  • For those on dialup, have you noticed any improvements over the last couple of days?

Thanks once again for your assistance

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