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No s*x please, you're a saint

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L'Abbe Pierre.......... an incredible, exceptional man. And bear in mind that the priests and monks were helping war criminals until the 1980's maybe 1990's in that very same region where he resisted the germans and that just adds to the greatness of the man.

Not a virgin, well how many are? Those that abuse kids aren't either.

I have no time for religions of any sort, but this bloke is a good man and good on him if he did the most natural of things we humans do.

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Gosh, if only there were more religious figureheads like himself to speak up, the Catholic church would not be in the mess they're in. Did you hear his interview yesterday (can't remember which radio) ? He is so spot-on though, he criticised the Rome apparatchiks so shrewdly and even went as far as declaring that there is nothing wrong with homosexual marriages and adoptions and tutti quanti, which for somebody so high up in the catholic church (at least in the French people's minds), surely that must be unprecedented ! He even suggested it was better to grow up in that same-sex family set-up rather than in an unwieldly family structure, or something to that effect. Shame he is only speaking out now !

Domy, nice to see you ici parmi nous, not sure there are many 'chauds lapins or lapines' amongst us, more like burnt-out moles ! ('des taupes flinguées/déglinguées')

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[quote]I don't think I have ever attended any sort of Roman Catholic service. Ever. I assumed that the choirs were made up entirely of young boys, and that women are encouraged only for altar-polishing pur...[/quote]

Saligo (That's a good name for a Duke Of Marlborough!) Has anyone cracked it yet what it means in slang french?....

Anyhow, I just want to say that choirs in the catholic faith were mostly made of young boys!! So there maybe is more to the allegations made in the press about abuse and all that within the catholic clergy.... as to the women encouraged for altar polishing purposes... that is where you get all this 'French polishing' stuff. My father (of no faith whatsoever) refers to them as 'punaises de sacristie!' (vestry stinking bugs)

Though we are making fun of this, it is a grave subject that of clergy (any faith) and sexual abuse on youngsters...

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