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Someone said a shoot to kill policy,do they not know that in france if you point a gun(or even threaten to harm a "flick" of any group)you will be shot and not in the nammby pammy way some people want the british police to shoot.

 For myself I want the army sent in and sent in now and sent in hard,it`s getting close, 5 cars burnt down here last night.

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[quote]Yawn....... ofcourse I know what the flics do. I do not want the flics being given license to duck shoot young kids no matter what they are doing. Things will get far worse if they do that, one wa...[/quote]

And your recommendation on how to solve the problem is . . . . . ? I sure don't have one nor have I seen one, so far.

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Using troops (as in Armée de Terre - not the Gendarmerie, who I know perfectly well are administratively part of the army) would come under the heading of Extremely Dangerous.

With the exception of MPs (does France have MPs? I assume that they do), troops are not policemen, they are not trained to be policemen and it unfair on them to be expected to attend what remains a civil disturbance. History is replete with examples of how things go badly wrong when soldiers are put in front of a riot. At the moment I cannot think of anything more likely to make the situation worse than to send in the army.

The police and gendarmerie are perfectly capable of shooting back if fired upon. The difference is that they are probably better equipped than soldiers in judging when shooting back would not be the best move.
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Rayb, So you would suggest going out and just shooting at kids?






The government are not helping the situation in any way as far as I can see. Sarko is fanning the flames isn't he, which will be standing him in good stead with the right of right wing voters and my are there plenty of them.

I have seen rioting in the past and civil unrest........ some of it from farmers and really bad at the time, they were never called racaille, but they should have been.

Nothing I have seen has been on this scale though and I truly believe that this is a very dangerous situation at the moment. IF I had a magic wand I would solve all the world's ills, but I don't.



What will work, well answers on a postcard to the Elysee Palace and see if Black Jack will take on some realistic ideas. AND you could be made PM if you solve this one, after all one doesn't need to be in politics or elected for that job in France.


Jond the gendarmerie in the past haven't need much encouragement to become extremely heavy handed and trigger happy. As far as I can tell they are bleating at the moment that there are not enough of them and they obviously do not feel that they can use such tatics without risk. I am pretty sure that if they felt that they had their safety in numbers then they would be quite capable of a duck shoot and this really worries me.


I feel so sorry for the pompiers, poor ******s.

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[quote]Rayb, So you would suggest going out and just shooting at kids? The government are not helping the situation in any way as far as I can see. Sarko is fanning the flames isn't he, which...[/quote]

NOBODY has said that! These 'kids', as you call them, have been responsible for one man's death, a woman on crutches set afire, hundreds of cars destroyed and services in their own communities burned. Naughty, haughty boys!! From what I have read these poor kids have cars and scooters and communicate by mobile phones to avoid the police and cause this damage. Who has paid for all this. I also saw many, many Sat dishes on the buildings where they live.

They are criminals and should be dealt with harshly no matter what their age. Why they are doing this is one thing and dealt with as best as possible but the number one priorty is to stop this destruction immediately. No society can tolerate this.

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TU if the yoofs are acting like ducks in a shooting gallery ie throwing petrol bombs at the flicks with no other reason than to try and kill les flicks,tell us all what the flicks should do,1 stand there and be burnt to death or 2 shoot the poor misguided  misunderstood youth who is so down trodden by the french system which will have kept him or her for years on welfare,if once again the bleeding hearts are to be trusted.
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[quote]Even France has laws and courts for dealing with criminals, justice should not be a gendarme assassinating someone in the street. Have I ever said that these kids are innocent?[/quote]

What would you call a kid fire-bombing a Gendarme?

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Maybe they should pal up with the americans and get some of those chemical weapons the americans used in Fallujah last year then.

It is legal for the americans to bomb civilian populations with such chemicals isn't it? Because they may have got a few terrorists too would justify such bombing in Fallujah I suppose?


Nice dose of white phosphor or napalm should sort the rioters out and just about the whole quartier and voila, problem all gone!



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Moi, lost an argument, don't think so.

Strangely as all this came up I saw the report on tv about 'american way' of taking control and just wondered. It is quite possible that I would have mentioned this even if I had not known that Rayb was an american.

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[quote]Having read through all these I can't help wondering about the posts that have been censored for the sake of political correctness.Why can we not be allowed to judge these comments for ourselves?[/quote]


We do not censor this site we only do this FOC service to ensure the forums Code of Conduct is kept to. When you joined and before you actually started to enter your details you would have been presented with the C of C giving you the opertunity to decline to join should you have felt they were not acceptable to yourself. Here is a copy of those conditions. For your information I have enboldened the part that explains the reasons why posts were removed. If you feel that you, or anyone else wants to carry on the tedious debate about moderators and censorship yet again then please start another thread or contact us directly.

  1. Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum.
  2. - Threaten, intimidate, victimise or harass others.
  3. - Make libelous comments about individuals or companies, including Living France.
  4. - Contain explicit language or vulgarities (whether written in French, English or any other language).
  5. - Impersonate or represent any person or entity in an attempt to deceive, harass or otherwise mislead another member.
  6. - Incite illegal activity.

Hi James

Quillan has got it right about the rules of the Forum but there is also the wider picture.  As a UK/European company Living France's owners are also covered by UK/European law and whilst the Commission for Racial Equality has no jurisdiction over the Internet, the Internet Watch Foundation, which is partly funded by the EU, does.

Therefore any racist comments which may be illegal in the various EU countries - for example, deemed to be likely to encite racial or religious hatred - could lead to the company being prosecuted if the racist comments are allowed to stay on the Forum.

According to the advice that I got about another forum in which I'm involved, having volunteer and unpaid Mods does not change or lessen the Company's responsibility.

And of course, the IWF has authority to go after the posters as well, same as they do with kiddy porn for example.

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Interesting piece on 2 last night showing all the world's media descending on " "The banlieus of Paris" ( does that include Versailles?)  and how the "riots" were being reported.  I have written "riots" like that because I don't see a bunch of vandals and low lifes running round torching cars, shops and schools as being a riot, my opinion of course.

It was suggested that perhaps some of the coverage by the media,  and CNN was singled out, was being exaggerated 

 What !! A reporter exaggerating a story, wash your mouth out with soap and water

So just who is counting all these burnt out cars?   If I were the Flicks I would search all the media on the streets for boxes of matches

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[quote]Interesting piece on 2 last night showing all the world's media descending on " "The banlieus of Paris" ( does that include Versailles? ) and how the "riots" were being reported. I have written "rio...[/quote]

I would be curious to hear what you would define as a real riot, Ron.

I notice that this curfew seems only to apply to minors (under 18) being on the streets between 2200 and 0600. In addition, restrictions on minors buying petrol in jerry cans appear to be in place. Presumably these "disturbances" are therfore being perpetrated in the main by the under 18s. Kids! Who'd 'ave 'em!
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[quote]I would be curious to hear what you would define as a real riot, Ron.I notice that this curfew seems only to apply to minors (under 18) being on the streets between 2200 and 0600. In addition, restric...[/quote]

How about the poll tax riots in London, where aggrieved people went on the streets to show their anger,  Paris aside, these are not riots, they are just low lifes settng fire to cars. A riot is cetainly not two 15 year olds setting light to a bin in Narbonne as depicted in one paper, if that is the case where my sister in law lives in the SE UK they have a riot every day of the week.

Funny how the US media are leading on this and hardly mentioning the secret internment camps the US maintains in E  European countries

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Sometimes it is hard to understand why posts are delated,but when did religious hatred become a crime?Most of the criminals that are burning Paris are muslims so to call them that is not an offence,calling them french rioters would be racist against the french surely?
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