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To inform or not

le bouffon

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Well now since you mentioned it,it was another neighbour who told us that the tree was to near our wall and that the wall was there before the apple tree and also about the distance a tree should be from a neighbours boundary.

  Just to lighten it up a little,the same neighbour will not put curtains/blinds up at her windows,one day after some strong northerly the dish got blown out of position,so I had to go up on the roof to sort it out,while up there I happened to look across and my lovely neighbour was sat on the bog

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alcazar, why dont you have a word with the forum boss and insist on correct grammer being used at all times,then a small bunch of  like minded people can have the forum to them selves.i by the way i do have other puntuation marks on my key board,and wish i had the know how to use them,sadly i can only think of one thing i would like to do with the puntuation marks and the key board, shove them up your sarcastic a,,,


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There is nothing wrong with Goole.  Known as Sleepy Hollow to us almost locals.

The Girlies there wear nice white high heels with purple blotchy legs.

You can also buy lovely dripping from the little butchers shop near the station.

AND they had/have a good market.

Bouffon...cut the tree down, angle the drop so it knocks the wall down and blame the high winds.  Best do it today as force million is expected.

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sturrdave,if you would inform on any one who flaunts the law you would be very busy here in my village,you could get half the population and 100 percent of brits for drink driving coming out of the local bar,every brit that lives near me who does holiday rentals cheats there taxes by banking in england,while they are having work done a large percentage pay cash and sod the law,put your dog in kennels pay cash its cheaper,get your fosse empted by the local farmer illeagal but who cares you need the bog and theres no one else,i could go on and on its a way things are done here,and its interesting to see you havent even the b,,ss to fill in your members profile,still like other informers the norm is to stay anonymous

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Sorry, hardhat, old boy, didn't mean to rattle your cage

Seriously, you could try putting a comma (,) wherever you would need to draw a breath if you were actually reading the post out loud.

As to my *rse, sarcastic or otherwise, I'd rather not have anything inserted up it, thankyou very much indeed


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alcazar,one trys,one really does.also try very much not to get rattled, but trying does not allways win,know my tounge can be quicker than my brain some times also ,but if something really annoys you? what gets me is that the subject seems to be apple trees and walls,what happend to the  no car insurance,without having a clue wether this old girls car is legal ,hes got her hung.i apologize to any one whoes been offended by my recent posts  i will bow out now ,whatever else is said this is my last post on this subject, my personal oppinion on the topic remains, but i will shut up, for a bit,

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I think it is sad old world when you have to grass on an old woman! What sort of a person is this boufant creature?

Why not offer to clip the womans bush?  That is what I would have done! Then while you are clipping away, you could remind her that her car tax is out of date! You could just let it slip in casually seeing as it bothers you so much!


"A hand in the bush is like a bird on a string" as they say in County Kerry!

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