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Suicide...In the event of...

Ty Korrigan

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Hello, I wish to ask if any-one out there knows the situation as regards the estate of a suicide here?

The person enquiring doesn't wish to leave a bigger mess than necessary for those left to sort things out. Is a will of any use to clarify things for example...?

Please don't give me any stuff about counseling as I am only asking a question. Thanks in advance.

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I know of a few people who have commited suicide. As long as there is no funny business ie trying to make an insurance policy pay out fraudulently, it seems to work like any other death. ie basically the family gets the money.

If they wanted to make a will out, then they would have to see a notaire and see what they could do as the law here does rather protect the family.

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Yes, very common up here.  Seems to be a combination of loneliness and drink.  I must go to a couple of funerals every year.

With regards to the will, if the person is living permanently in France and is classed as French, they will be severely restricted when it come to making a will if they want to alter the laws here by not leaving it to the family.  It is no good saying but we are English ...if they are...because it doesn't cut mustard.

You can't leave it to who you want.

Notaire must be the first port of call.  Testament laws are a nightmare.

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What is this Forum coming to if we're being asked for advice about 'somebody' putting their affairs in order in the event of 'somebody' committing suicide?

If the original poster knows of somebody that's contemplating suicide, isn't it better to do something about it rather than try to get information about what happens after they are dead? 

Having dealt with a large number of suicides in my time I know that if people want to kill themselves they will, nothing can stop them but what happens now? Does the poster toddle along to their friend and say, "my chums on the LF Forum say you should go to see a Notaire before you kill yourself"?

Of course a Notaire is the place to go but this is a question best pointed in a Notaire's direction, not directed to ex-pats living in a country that's not their own, what is LF now, an advice centre for would be suicide advisers?

If the question is about a real person it's not a matter or counselling, statistics or anything else, to me this is a wholly inappropriate question for this Forum.  If it's just a question, well, it's just weird.

Or is it that somebody is asking for help here and doesn't quite know how to?

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I don't think asking for - or supplying of - information pre-suicide of the impact post-suicide is what this forum is here for. Suicide may be a regular occurrence in France and some LF members may have direct experience of the fallout but if so, I suspect it's better to respond by PM rather than within the forum. Of course, someone could be simply writing a book and looking for background. But it doesn't 'feel' as if that's the case.


and would this be considered as "aiding of a suicide" and if so, are there laws this would contravene?
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Will you all stop getting your moral knickers in a twist!!

It was a question, and none of us know what prompted it.   It could be a troll, or it could be someone terminally ill who can't find a doctor to "help".

I think a nice cool Pastis is called for, to calm those fevered imaginings of us all suddenly being implicated in aiding and abetting suicides of people who, let's face it, might not even exist!     


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Korrigans are the breton pixies who live under the street of Morlaix and out in the Monts d'Arree for those interested in the word and they are very sweet with big ears and very hairy hands and faces.

Suicide - sounds like the person in question needs counselling by a professional and not us lot on here,implications are far and wide for anyone connected and the scene is treated like a murder scene with all sorts in attendence as our mairie would testify to the number he has been called out to inspect over the last few years.

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We should not judge this posting and be high and mighty about the reasons for that person wanting to end his/her own life...

He/She may have a perfectly good medical reason such as a degenerative disease for which we don't know his/her daily agony to get another day by...

It is not cowardice to want to do this in such conditions and I admire that person's willingness to put his/her own affairs in order out of respect for his/her loved ones that will be left behind to cope.

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'very sweet with big ears and very hairy hands and faces'

That's a perfect description of a troll that I was given in Norway. Not suggesting that the original message actually was a troll of course, I'm sure, as SB said, there was a perfectly good reason for asking the question.

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?  Death is an inevitable part of living. If this prompts anyone to get their affairs in order well this post will have fulfilled a function.

Who knows why this question was posed.  We have discussed road deaths in France in the past, fortunatley they are decreasing. Now this, an alarming and very sad and real part of french life/death has been mentioned. They never mention it in the progs do they. Always all the happy smiling friendly people who are super cool and know how to live. Well obviously not all french people get this.

As I got into my bed last night I realised that I  personally knew five people who have killed themselves here and only one was terminally ill. If I ask around there will be many more people I knew of. It is certainly part of living France.



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Who are we to criticise someone who wants to leave everything nice and tidy for their family?

I only hope that I have the courage to do the same as I centainly don't want to be sat drooling in a high backed chair at the end of my life.

Plans have been made and will be followed.

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[quote]Who are we to criticise someone who wants to leave everything nice and tidy for their family? I only hope that I have the courage to do the same as I centainly don't want to be sat drooling in a high...[/quote]

My dad has it all organised, he's had UPVC windows put in every opening so my Mum dosn't have to worry about keeping them painted and he's had a new boiler installed....just in case.
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[quote]I don't think Ty Korrigan is a troll.[/quote]

Who can say, in these modern times?    According to TK's profile, his/her main interest is "Forum baiting". 

I spent Thursday morning with someone who said more than once "si j'avais le courage, je me suiciderais".   Thank goodness for weak-willed people.  

I did feel kind of drained for the rest of the day, and I did wonder on the injustice of it all, when a psy can get 40 or 50 euros an hour for doing it, and I get exactly one-tenth of that per hour in my pocket.   Where did I go so wrong! 

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Well I am not sorry you aired it. Suicide is something that happens in France certainly with more frequency than I would have imagined.

I think that part  of your question has been answered anyway.

Not all questions will go down well, you must have realised that this one may not, but it doesn't mean that it wasn't a valid question to ask either.


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An interesting question and one in which no details are given, or perhaps need to be given.

I work for the health service and yesterday I went around some of our geriatric wards - a very sobering thing to do.

Some of the people on them are just existing - their quality of life is virtually zero and for their family visiting it must be heartbreaking.

My thoughts as I came away - if I ever get close to that then I want out.

For those of you who say 'counselling' how do you tell someone who is approaching a vegative state, where they ae incontinent and do not know what is going on around them that life aint so bad and you should carry on 'enjoying' life, assuming they can understand you.

Last year we had to take our dog to the vets and the kindest thing was to have him put to sleep. If we had allowed him to continue to suffer then we would be accused of cruelty. If it was a person then their life would have been kept going as long as possible, even after the painkilling drugs had lost their effect - what is the kindest? 

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