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I have been watching the news about these cartoons and last night I watch a program about the Worst 100 TV Comedy Moments, or something like that, on Channel 5.

The link between them all was Muslims burning French flags and demonstrating in France (French TV), films and comedy sketches about the Pope etc, and the UK media response. And finally that old chestnut of Freedom of speech.

The Muslims – It seems the more informed Muslims particularly in west seem to be upset but think the stirring up of Muslims by the ultra fundamentalist members is a bit over the top. The less informed ones make me wonder how many of them have actually seen the cartoons and if they are being told they are worse than they really are. Do the fundamentalist object because several of the cartoons demean the roll of suicide bombers and it could make it harder for them to recruit because people if the west saw them as a joke, by the way I don’t?

Worst 100 Comedy TV Moments – There were several comedy sketches near the top of the list where the subject was religion. Life of Brian (which I did not know was still banned in the US and in some places of the UK) is clearly about Jesus, then there was the film of the guy who plays Ali G (a Mr Cohen I believe) singing country and western in the states about Jews and getting the public in a Texan night club to sing along. What about Dave Alan and his jokes. Nobody took to the streets about any of this, well except for Life of Brian. Are there Muslim comedians and do they make fun of the Christian religion (or there own), are there no Muslim jokes about Christians?

UK Media and Freedom of Speech – I was wondering why the UK media never published any of the cartoons. Could one reason be because of the new laws about inciting racial or religious hatred and they wondered if they could get prosecuted, decided it was not worth the grief to find out so therefore claimed they were taking the moral high ground by not publishing. Freedom of speech is a fantastic thing yet we are told that we have it within certain limits so does that in a way mean we don’t have freedom of speech because such limits are in place. Is not freedom of speech total with no restrictions?

My Thoughts - I have seen a couple of these cartoons and thought they were rather funny but not the sort of thing to be published all round the world by the press. There is a lot of animosity between Muslims and the rest of the world at present and actions like this certainly do not make life any easier. It’s one thing having a joke and a laugh with your mates in private but doing it in such a high profile way (by allegedly professional, intelligent people) at the present time is a bit insensitive to say the least.

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Not sure how you take place in a posting, but I guess we would all assume that this would be an ideal place for you to display your ignorance.

Why are you ignoring my challenge to you to tell us who, exactly, you are and how many other identities you have or have used on this forum?
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Why are we not as free to criticise or ridicule a person's religious beliefs as we are their fashion sense, hairstyle, or choice of car?

Why can I tell the truth about the cruelty and inhumanity of Hitler and the Nazis (edit: members of mid 20th century german fascist organisation), but not of the Ayatollahs and muslim fanatics?

Why is it not regarded as an important civic duty to point out and ruthlessly expose the contradictions, falsehoods and wickednesses of organised religions?

If I could draw a cartoon I'd start right here


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 In how many threads are you going to continue your bickering with LB or outcast?  We all know who he is and what he stands for and we ignore him, why don't you?  If the mods don't want him let them kick him out.   If one of your kids had continued to bicker the way you have done wouldn't they be in detention by now?[:D]

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I heard one of the muslim protesters say that it is forbidden by their

laws to make a pictorial image of Mohammed and that's why they're so

angry. So we all have to obey the laws of the Koran? You can see all

the cartoons by searching on Google. They are quite artistic and some

are funny others are politically cynical in the style of ? Gerald

Scarfe. Pat. ps I can see this thread being removed because of " racial slurs".

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Absolutely NOT as a Moderator.

DICK WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!!!!!! Every time Le Bouffon posts you make a sardonic comment to the point where IT IS YOU that is wrecking people’s threads. I can’t see anything wrong with this guy’s response and he has asked a genuine question. If you have nothing to say on the contents of the original post then say nothing and butt out. I am sorry but you are now getting to sound like a broken record and as clearly seen I am not the only one who thinks this. I am not trying to be nasty, just annoyed but please take a breath (deep) and have a look around you.

Moderators Hat back on.

If my fellow moderators and Forum Admin thought there was a problem with anybody breaking the rules they would be banned from the forum. At present this is not the case with anyone.

Moderators Hat back off.

Le Bouffon – My justification for mentioning this on our forum is because France is the only country where one news paper editor had been sacked and another resigned before he even started work over these cartoons. This coupled with a high Muslim indigenous population is something we should be aware of? There have also been demonstrations here in France and what effect will they have on our day to day lives and how will the French government respond or how should they?

Do the French and the Dutch by publishing these cartoons purport to have a higher level of free speech than say the UK or the USA? It would therefore follow that by living in France we have more scope to discuss openly our thoughts, whatever they are. If this is the case why then does the gendarmerie still remain under military control because as such is not France effectively a military state?

Ramblings of an old man but listening to it all it made me think and I wondered if I was on my own?



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Because when he/she was posting as Outcast I was, with other people, the subject of this poster's irrational abuse. You, the moderators, have let him/her back after banning. All I want is an acknowledgement that he/she is in fact the person we all suspect.

The moderators may not be against intolerance, bigotry, insults and cheating, but I am.
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Please take your discussion off the board, I'm going to delete further off topic posts on the subject of each other, from you both.

Apparently the Danish dairy industry had a substantial export industry to Muslim countries, Danish imports have been boycotted meaning a loss of jobs in Denmark. I wonder how those people who have lost their jobs feel? 

Rights bring responsibilities.

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This topic has deteriorated into a slanging match. If le Bouffon (who we all know has previously been known as Outcast on this forum and had other identities previously) and Dick want to continue their conversation I suggest you do it by private message. So I have locked the thread.

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