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Tom Baker

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[quote user="Dicksmith"]So far up his own a**e he even has a forum dedicated to discussing - him! [/quote]

Reminds me of a quote by a recent Head of Personnel at the BBC (appointed by Greg D). When asked what he thought of the other senior executives, he replied, most of them have got their heads so far up their a***s it's a wonder they dont have kidney problems. I couldn't disagree with him.

I met TB a couple of times, nutty as a fruit cake.

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...and all the girls I knew hid behind the sofa as soon as that music started. Did you, TU, or were you made of stronger stuff? That first series was pretty scary - William Hartnell, as noted above, was the first Dr Who, he also starred in the first Carry On film. Patrick Troughton was good. In his era they did a lot of the filming in a quarry near where I lived, probably one of the few times Sussex has been used as an alien landscape.

In answer to an earlier point, the actor who played The Master was Roger Delgado.

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Nothing frightened me beyond belief, until the cyber men. I reckon that I shall feel anxious when they are on the next series. The daleks were frightening enough ofcourse, but it was those cybermen that had me pacing, which is what I still do when there is something frighening on tv. I have spent many a good X Files episode wandering around the living room or to and froing from the kitchen.


So no hiding just pacing. And as I still do it I reckon I am still a scardy cat.

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