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La loi Chatel


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I take it that the new law "La loi Chatel" stating the following is now de rigeur from 1st Septemeber because if it is, I am getting some new quotes for the cars and the house etc !! (too forgetful and the date of cancellation has always passed before I remember to cancel by lettre reccom ) :

La loi Chatel entrera en vigueur le 1er septembre 2005.

Jusqu'à la loi Chatel, l'assuré ne pouvait résilier son contrat annuel d'assurance, que s'il en informait son assureur au moins deux mois avant la fin de son contrat, c'est-à-dire à une date où il n'avait pas encore reçu son avis d'échéance. L'assuré, s'il voulait résilier, devait donc le faire à l'aveugle, sans même connaître le montant de la prime que son assureur lui proposerait pour l'année suivante. Passé cette date, le seul critère permettant à l'assuré de résilier était le constat d'une hausse de tarif ou de franchise.

This is now the new law to make the assurers give you a quote for the next years assurance 15 days before expiry of the 2 or 3 months cancellation time.

Good news, it will remind me properly to get some other devis for our cars and house etc insurance now !!

Mind you the full length rules are a little more examaning in how and what you can do!

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[quote]I take it that the new law "La loi Chatel" stating the following is now de rigeur from 1st Septemeber because if it is, I am getting some new quotes for the cars and the house etc !! (too forgetful an...[/quote]

This is what I tried to highlight in this earlier posting:


as this "automatic renewal" principle has always bugged me!
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Sorry Clair, I never saw that post.

It has been played around with quite a bit but the bottom line is that they have to give you the "devis" for the following "years" assurance, no less than something like 15 days or so before the cancellation period has lapsed.

Like you, I pretty much disliked the system but for some folks, it did at least guarantee them some cover, if they did not pay before the old policy lapsed. The regs are so long that I have not read half of it but I guess you are tied in still unless you have cancelled within the legal time limit. So I guess that now, we will at least have some notice that we had better get our skates opon if we want to get other quotes before the cut off date ! Something that I always forgot in the past !

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