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Time Zones

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[quote user="Tresco"]

France is one hour a head of UK.

So on my profile i'm GMT+1, but there is something not strictly

correct about this GMT + thing, I think. Perhaps someone clever knows

what it is?


Well, I don't know about you (though given where you are, Mrs T, 

you are possibly in a very similar position) but I live in a time zone

one hour ahead of the UK and just slightly west of

Grenwich (about Manchester way, in fact). This means that in June it

doesn't seem to get dark until about 10.45pm and "noon" is actually

around 2 in the afternoon. I find this very confusing. It's what keeps

me drinking late into the night sometimes, in fact.[:)]

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That's uncanny Jond.

Do you mean you live almost exactly due south of Manchester? because I do, and I'd never noticed before, even though I lived in Mcr for 20 years.

I must start paying more attention.

I agree with you about 'noon'. Go and have a siesta at mid day, come out at 3 and FRY!



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[quote user="Tresco"]

That's uncanny Jond.

Do you mean you live almost exactly due south of Manchester? because

I do, and I'd never noticed before, even though I lived in Mcr for 20


I must start paying more attention.

I agree with you about 'noon'. Go and have a siesta at mid day, come out at 3 and FRY!




And if that wasn't enough, follow this link.... http://www.wimp.com/guinea/

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I'm not sure what the relation is to Time Zones, but that was Fab!  I suppose it's what comes of having girly type children around and  about the place?

Have you ever been here?.


It's a cartoon bunny theatre troop. They do 30 second re-enactments of major movies; recently updated to include Brokeback Mountain. Put sound on.

Its Bun-o-Vision

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Using GMT + or - whatever the time variance is standard practice in the travel industry and in international situations. I have never heard of GMT 0. At present the UK is on GMT (the usual way this is phrased) and France is on GMT+1. When the clocks go forward at the end of the month, the UK will be on GMT+1 and France will be on GMT+2. Hope this is useful.
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[quote user="Tresco"]

I'm not sure what the relation is to Time

Zones, but that was Fab!  I suppose it's what comes of having

girly type children around and  about the place?

Have you ever been here?.


It's a cartoon bunny theatre troop. They do 30 second re-enactments

of major movies; recently updated to include Brokeback Mountain. Put

sound on.

Its Bun-o-Vision


Fantastic! You're right - it has nothing to do with time zones, but I

was shown it only a few moments before and thought that you might just

find it distracting...

Yup - we are indeed pretty much due south of Manchester (my MIL lives

in Stalybridge). I have recently discovered that this part of Western

France gets more rain than Manchester (880mm vs a paltry 810mm).

Difference is, we get rain around 100 days per year, they get it 185

days; we got 2600 hours sunshine, they got about 1400. Don't get me

wrong; I quite like Manchester, but I prefer the South Vendée.

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Thanks KathyC - that makes sense - came across it earlier whilst mooching about and wondered why some would be 0 GMT or 1GMT if both people are in France - If you are able to change it yourself, I would imagine some people just haven't bothered.[:D]
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 "...thought that you might just find it distracting..."

I was indeed distracted, and enchanted. 

I like Manchester too!

Guess what. OH has just told me that we are south of MCR on the 'flat' map, but not in the 'real world'.

I'm even more confused than usual now.

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What's even more confusing is that in my house in 62 the bathwater (well, shower-water, actually) runs down the drain clockwise, whereas in the house in 80 in seems to prefer anti-clockwise.  Years ago I was taught about something called the Coriolis Effect which is caused by the Earth's rotation, and which, among other things, makes water run out clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti-clockwise south of the equator.

This means that the Bay of the Somme is now in the southern hemisphere and that the equator runs through Le Touquet.

The earth has obviously tilted on its axis and, as a result, you may not now be South of where you thought you were, but actually East of it.


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Tresco, after all these years of siesta 'ing, I am a bit of an expert.We eat at noon in summer and then go for a siesta at around 2pm until around 4 when it is a little cooler.


I would love to do this every single day in mid summer, but helas, it isn't always possible.


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[quote user="KathyC"]Glad it helped, however,nobody living in France should have 0GMT (if it existed). It must always be GMT+1 or GMT+2, depending on whether they entered their details in the summer or the winter.[/quote]

I missed this before, and I think what KathyC says is the source of , or perhaps answer  to my confusion.

TU, You got it right, and not for the first time!


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[quote user="Tresco"]

 "...thought that you might just find it distracting..."

I was indeed distracted, and enchanted. 

I like Manchester too!

Guess what. OH has just told me that we are south of MCR on the 'flat' map, but not in the 'real world'.

I'm even more confused than usual now.


I always think that the real world might be a nice place to visit, but I am not sure that I would want to live there...

Your OH may well have a point...I had a look in the atlas and we here

are almost exactly 1 degree west: Manchester is a fraction over 2

degrees west, so we are more precisely directly south of places like

Northampton. Be still my beating heart! Mind you, it's a very old atlas

and may not be metric.

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