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Processionary caterpillars

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These have started hatching out down here in the Languedoc. I caught a line of them (seconds before the cat got to them), put them in the garden incinerator, sprinkled them liberally with barbecue lighting fluid, set fire to them, and for good measure shoved in a lot of dry grass and twigs. After twenty minutes the incinerator was hot enough to bake bread. Then I caught four of them escaping through a hole in the side. I returned them to the heat. One of them escaped again. The sportsman in me wanted to let him go, but then I remembered that if the cat got one in her mouth it would be the end for her. These things really are nasty, and Rasputin-like when it comes to destroying them. I have read that there is a beetle called a sycophanta which feeds on them. If I can get hold of any they can live in my garden rent free, with free drinks, shagpile carpets, and a Filipino maid of their own. Is there anywhere that might supply them?
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Well done Tresco, spot on, I take back everything I didn't say about you! 

Efficaces prédateurs des chenilles processionaires.. What I don't quite get is that it lives in Oak forests, you would think it would live in pine woods if that's where its dinner is.

Nice looking beetle,  Chris


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1) I thought they 'processioned' in February. Am I worng or has it been too cold this year?

2) Be VERY careful not to burst one with any of your flesh exposed. Perhaps you know that.

3) I like the idea of the predatory beetle. Please keep us informed when you find them. I worry about the name sycophanta though. Reminds me of our Syndic when the ladies gang up on him !



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