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No fluffy bunnies. But, could anyone with knowledge help please. I have a large number of video cassettes which I want to copy onto DVD for my own use. Some seem to have some sort of electronic blocking device to stop me making a backup safety copy. Anyone got any ideas if this can be got round and how I do it. Of course I do not wish to break the law.
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I've just got a DVD recorder (and it's really cracking) and the instructions say that it is not possible to copy commercially produced DVDs but nothing against copying videocassettes, and seems to imply there are no problems with that. What happens when you try to copy them?

(Just a little fluffy bunny?)

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Seem to remember seeing that some videocassettes have an anti copy system - Macrovision - built in.  It distorts the picture if you copy the tape. It is possible to buy a legal electronic device for 'cleaning up' old tapes, as a byproduct it removes Macrovision! Unintentionally of course, but you can then copy these tapes.

Try google - there's lots of it...

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A little bit of Googling should take you to any number of discussion groups which can provide you with information on copying VHS to DVD. And as far as defeating Macrovision is concerned, "ICOS Technology" and "Macromaster" might be useful search terms.

I do not see that "archiving" VHS material onto DVD for personal use only is any more heinous that "archiving" vinyl and K7 to CD.

One word of warning, don't expect that material transferred to DVD will look any better than it does on VHS!
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But I can't play VHS through my laptop to my smart board!

I don't understand what you are saying, Dick. To convert VHS into a digital signal you need a capture device. These are available either as a card (for a PC desktop - I don't know about Apple) or as an external dongle connected via USB.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Goodness, On the DVD/VCR we recently bought you can copy videos, (commercial or not) easily, that was the main purpose of buying it. Video tape deteriorates, DVD doesn't as far as I know.

If you are still stuck tomorrow Tag, I'll ask my son, he is our techie


If you're banking on ANY digital media, once recorded, not deteriorating, buy the BEST material you can to record ON TO.

Just my two penn'orth.


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