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All those locked posts

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I thought it could be either, I'm sorry if misunderstood you TU, however I stand by what I said which was an attempt to clarify the position.

>>>I don't know who keeps running to the mods<<<

When I hear about someone or some people who keeps doing something, that gives me the impression to me, (possibly wrongly) that it is a repeated action, whether it be by one person or a group. I was merely trying to clarify that in this isn't the case. I had already said 'that there is no group of people ' so covering both bases. 


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I thought it could be either, I'm sorry if misunderstood

you TU, however I stand by what I said which was an attempt to clarify

the position.

>>>I don't know who keeps running to the mods<<<

When I hear about someone or some people who keeps doing

something, that gives me the impression to me, (possibly

wrongly) that it is a repeated action, whether it be by one

person or a group. I was merely trying to clarify that in this

isn't the case. I had already said 'that there is no group of people ' so covering both bases.


 Really quite badly if I may so. From where I stood it was quite clearly plural..................

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In a flash it came to me!  That impostor Dick Smith is obviously writing a book about weird looking pets - and plagiarising our brilliant, expert and insightful comments to provide the text, of which he will claim to be the sole author.

This is clearly a scam intended to make vast amounts of money for Dick, the scoundrel, who, judging by his photograph, has to keep changing his appearance so as not to risk discovery.

What fools we have all been, to be taken advantage of, like that, by such a plausible villain.


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Its a great pity that you don't devote so much time and attention to answering posts on other topics rather playing devil's advocate against what many people obviously feel was a reasonable action by the mods.  When YOU have taken time to look up and check information for what appears to be a genuine person making a genuine query for their own information, only to find that this person has been abusing that time and the ethos of the Forum, then come back with an opinion.

 Blade/Searcher was around a long time before he/she was spotted so a lot of time was spent and wasted by a lot of people answering those questions, don't recall anything by you though.[:P]  I got a PM from searcher apologising for not getting back on posts due to some false reason or other, a blatant lie, to try and allay the growing suspicion that he/she had been rumbled as nobody was responding to their posts anymore,  how fraudulent and an abuse is that?

Nobody is saying genuine questions should not be asked and most posters to this Forum would agree that they get sound, researched and good advice for which many people are appreciative,  but I went to a lot of trouble to seek professional advice from a family member on one post for this fraud and I feel used and my time and that of my contact abused.  So the next time I see a similar post am I going to do the same?  I don't think so and I suspect many others are now wary of new posters.   This poster also posted in other guises to use the goodwill of the people on here so he/she was not spotted as fast as some would like to kid themselves. I complained when the flow of questions continued as it was not possible to spot the genuine first time posters from the fake and  I am glad I did[:@]. 

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I’m afraid I’ve got nothing much to say about the situation. Seems that if people are breaking the Code of Conduct some action may easily be appropriate. I don’t have moderator permissions and thus do not have access to the additional information available and it would probably be inappropriate for it to be published anyway. After all, this is a forum run by Archant according to Archant’s rules, using resources paid for by Archant, etc. The moderators are there to implement those rules to the best of their judgement. I believe that what may be damaging the board more than this supposed “censorship” that people keep crying about is that so many of the moderators judgements are then subject to scrutiny, contest, etc. by the “inner circle” membership.

Why does everything the mods do these days require being scrutinised and argued about by everybody else on the forum. Seems to be as many posts discussing moderator actions these days as posts discussing France, life here, practical issues, etc.

Why should the forum members be concerned in the slightest about who is complaining about posts. It has nothing to do with us. If somebody complains, the moderators look at the complaint and if it is felt justified act accordingly, if unjustified probably dismiss it. I have no interest in the numbers of complaints nor how many are upheld nor how many dismissed. This is a discussion forum and hopefully there are more interesting things to discuss than the forum itself.


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[quote user="Tresco"]

Yeah, let's get that report button a status that befits it's new... eeerm status.

It should be much bigger, it should ring bells when touched, (with a message saying 'does this need urgent mod. action and if not, have you tried sorting this out by pm?') and if not the names of all the complainers should come up in big flashy lights, for all to see.

Then we will all know where we stand, or where we fall.[6]


Talking of 'report' button, lock post etc... I have noticed that on all post at the bottom right hand corner there is a tiny 'report' which I have never used myself but often thought that someone with real mischievious intentions could use to his/her heart's content.

I have also noticed that only my postings have a 'reply' , a 'quote' and an 'email' button (but no 'pm' button...?) like everyone else... that's fine... but also have a 'delete' and an 'edit' button. Does it mean that any one reading my postings can delete and/or edit my postings without my knowledge and therefore would end up misquoting what I want to contribute to the forum...?...

Thank you Mr Mod for your help

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[quote user="missyesbut"] [

 Talking of 'report' button, lock post etc... I have noticed that on all post at the bottom right hand corner there is a tiny 'report' which I have never used myself but often thought that someone with real mischievious intentions could use to his/her heart's content.

I have also noticed that only my postings have a 'reply' , a 'quote' and an 'email' button (but no 'pm' button...?) like everyone else... that's fine... but also have a 'delete' and an 'edit' button. Does it mean that any one reading my postings can delete and/or edit my postings without my knowledge and therefore would end up misquoting what I want to contribute to the forum...?...

Thank you Mr Mod for your help



No when I look at your posts they have a PM button and no edit or delete button, you see your own posts differently to everyone else on a forum [;-)]

You don't see a PM button on your own posts as why would you want to PM yourself? and as you can only edit or delete your own posts only you see those buttons.



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"....Why should the forum members be concerned in the slightest about who is

complaining about posts. It has nothing to do with us. If somebody

complains, the moderators look at the complaint and if it is felt

justified act accordingly, if unjustified probably dismiss it. I have

no interest in the numbers of complaints nor how many are upheld nor

how many dismissed. This is a discussion forum and hopefully there are

more interesting things to discuss than the forum itself.


Well seeing as you are a well knowm complainer, I guess you would say that wouldn't you !

As far as a few others are concerned, when a complaint arrives and is

upheld, rightly or wrongly, the thread can all too often be comepletely

destroyed. This can  make some people, certainly including me, get

rather fed up with takinbg aport in a debate, only to have someone

complain about pretty much nothing and to see the thread get

decoimated. That is not what debate shoild be about. If it has got vile

or bnasty yes, then the Mods should be able to see that quickly and

stifle that person but as what has happened in recent weeks, no one

hardly dares do much more than be frivolous or make quite short replies.

And please don't be so high and mighty as to tell people what they can

or cannot discuss. I see many posts on here, some yours, that are not

the slightest bit interesting to me but hey, they obvioulsy ar to

others, so let's get it quite straight unless you want to be told that

your posts are not of interest, then please let others post as they

feel fit.

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[quote user="Bassman"][quote user="missyesbut"] [

 Talking of 'report' button, lock post etc... I have noticed that on all post at the bottom right hand corner there is a tiny 'report' which I have never used myself but often thought that someone with real mischievious intentions could use to his/her heart's content.

I have also noticed that only my postings have a 'reply' , a 'quote' and an 'email' button (but no 'pm' button...?) like everyone else... that's fine... but also have a 'delete' and an 'edit' button. Does it mean that any one reading my postings can delete and/or edit my postings without my knowledge and therefore would end up misquoting what I want to contribute to the forum...?...

Thank you Mr Mod for your help



No when I look at your posts they have a PM button and no edit or delete button, you see your own posts differently to everyone else on a forum [;-)]

You don't see a PM button on your own posts as why would you want to PM yourself? and as you can only edit or delete your own posts only you see those buttons.





Doh! [8-)]       Now  [I]  it makes sense!               Must be the wine I didn't [:$]  drink last night! ...    Thanks Bassman....   But then why do I have an 'email' button ?     Do  I  want to Email myself!....

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Isn't this all getting a bit out of hand? As somebody said this is Archant's Forum, their costs, their rules and to me it's that easy, if you don't like the rules, why not go to one of the other France Forums?.

All this deconstructing everything that people say, quoting of who said what is just getting boring and making what should be admin sort of threads six pages long.  I don't blame the Mods for not responding to some of the questions that they are being asked because on past eveidence whatever they say will be taken apart line by line and examined like some medieval mystic going through entrails.

Sorry to be so basic about it all but if the Forum isn't to some people's liking, they don't have to stay on here do they?  And would users here speak to people that they hardly know in a pub or restaurant in the way that they post here?  Highly unlikely. 

Come on folks, the sun's shining, 20 plus degrees here in the south west, surely lots of other things to do other than keep cutting and pasting who said what messages backwards and forwardsd and trying to score points all the time.

Surely time to remember that this is ONLY an internet Forum, it's not real life ......... Forum Admin, suggestion for new rule, everybody has to use their own name and has to register (with you) with a recognisable address AND email address when they want to use the Forum.

We should also bear in mind that the way this Forum operates doesn't fit Archant's usual way of working with Forums - keep this up and eventually, no Mods, only open for limited hours and controlled by Archant directly. 

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I must admit that I have been pm'd by a mod on one occassion and I found this absolutely stomach churning that someone could run to teacher and not have the guts to pm me. (If pm'ing takes guts personally I dont think so).  So in future, if anybody is upset or offended by what I say please have the decency to pm me.  By the way, the complaint was about chatting too much.  OK annoying but hardly offensive.

More on topic, I agree with Tony that there is more to life than a forum.  Also although I have not been around here long, I have read that it is the most tolerant forum about.  Why are we therefore making life hard for the mods running to them like children over every little whip stitch?  Don't the 'informers' have enough vision to realise the implications this will have? Forcing adherence to rules and regs resulting intolerance and consequently becoming the ammo something forum (cant remember the name)

 For goodness sake lets act like adults and get this sorted between ourselves.

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I don't agree with you, why should someone PM you if they have a problem with you?  We are asked to report if we have a problem, so people do. I recently did when I saw someone advertising French lessons on here.  It avoids people getting into tedious scraps.  However you have obviously been really upset about it, I mean stomach churning and decency?  A tad OTT for a forum on France. That said, it is a bit pathetic to report somebody just because you happen to find them irritating.  I think making life hard for the mods is debating their every move, if a post is locked, and the reason is given, as it has, why so much discussion and debate? 

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KatieKopyKat wrote: "I must admit that I have been pm'd by a mod on one occassion and I found this absolutely stomach churning that someone could run to teacher and not have the guts to pm me."

I've been chipping in to this forum for a few months now and have *once* reported a post. It was for blatant (although probably unthinking) racism. I did not PM the person but I did respond directly within the thread before firing off a report. The outcome was that the offending post was edited and my response, which had lost its context, was deleted. I still react negatively when I see that member's posts but I just ignore them unless I have another reason to chip in.

I agree that some reports seem from anecdotal evidence to be a bit silly ("too chatty"...) and maybe the mods/admin should be a bit more dismissive of these than they appear to be.

I certainly agree with the people who would like less infighting over what people may or may not have said/meant.




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I am sorry Tourangelle, but the way I have been brought up is to get yourself out of your own scrapes and I think it takes nothing more than a spineless wimp to go backstabbing to authority.  Its the way I am. 

OTT? No, it just gives me the creeps that some adults find it necessary to go crying to mummy and finger pointing.

Tedious scraps? Never! Just an explanation of my intentions and maybe an apology.  (Which by the way I am also big enough to do).

This is how I act in the real world.  I have never run to my boss pointing fingers and making things worse but smoothed things out myself face to face in an adult manner and then shook hands.

As someone in a management role myself, tedious whingers give me headache.

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KatieKopyKat wrote: "I have never run to my boss pointing fingers and making things worse but smoothed things out myself face to face in an adult manner and then shook hands."

All well & good in the real world. However, here in the forum I don't even know what your face looks like!

Just because you are prepared to act like an adult it doesn't mean that others are. I agree that reporting people for trivial matters is petty, but within the structure of a forum like this having moderators, etc. can help immensely. I've spent years on unmoderated usenet newsgroups and one or two of them got totally hijacked by people whose only aim appeared to be the disruption of normal traffic.

I will admit that when you came along with your trampoline and all the other things you looked a bit too invasive, but I just ignored the threads you started until I began to notice you taking a sensible interest in other people's threads. That said, I'm not totally surprised that someone may have reported you, given the atmosphere at the end of Le B's membership.


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Not everyone is the same (thank goodness !) Some people will feel quite at ease with contacting someone who has upset them and feel able to put their view and perhaps come to a new understanding of or with the person who they are complaining about. Other people may  be too enraged by a post to be able to argue reasonably and could easily make the situation worse, others would just rather let someone else handle it.

In my view it doesn't make anyone more or less mature, just different.

They are both valid views, and for the majority of the time we get few 'reports', (advertising posts being an exception) Although the mods look into them all, action isn't always taken,  often a quiet word is all that is required.



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Yes Albert, I agree with you that when I first arrived, people thought I was a troll and in such a scenario the only way to complain would be to a mod.

I will put my hands up to that one.

You see I can say sorry.

Last word[;-)] I just cannot bear sneaky backstabbers.  Who have not got the gaul to say it to the face.  urgh

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[quote user="KatieKopyKat"]

I am sorry Tourangelle, but the way I have been brought up is to get yourself out of your own scrapes and I think it takes nothing more than a spineless wimp to go backstabbing to authority.  Its the way I am. 


No need to apologise.  The forum didn't always have mods, they are there for a reason, the reason being people didn't manage to get out of their own scrapes.  So I see somebody advertising saying I'm really good at French and I can give you lessons here's my number and I am supposed to just send them a pm to say they shouldn't have done that. How STUPID would that be?  For a start, they couldn't remove their own post if it is the first, it would keep them at the top of the pile and more people would go and read it.   So I've got to agree with Gay. 

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