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Re: Period of Reflection

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[quote user="catalpa"]

[quote user="Quillan"]   ...and having your website as a signature does raise you website in google rankings.  [/quote]


Does it need to be a live link, ie 'clickable', in order to achieve that objective?


I didn't know the answer to that till I went back and had a look at mine which isn't clickable. It was on the old forum software and google can be as slow at dumping a website as it can finding one so my answer, in a way, might not be correct. However I did reach a google ranking of 1 the other week but I see it's down to 3 again. It normally hovers around 2 or 3 which given the competition is not too bad for a home brew website I think

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It does need to be a hard link.  Every website dedicated to Google ranking that I've looked at says that your page rank is increased by a hard link from another webpage according to the formula PR/L where PR is the Page Rank of the page containing the hard link and L is the number of external hard links on that page.  So if there is a link to your site on a page with a PR of zero you get zero benefit in terms of page rank, and if there are 10 links on the page linking to you the benefit is divided by 10.  But maybe you're not talking about Google Page Rank.  In which case it is possible you may get some benefit in terms of relevancy of your site for a given set of terms used in a google search if the page linking to you has a high density of those same terms.  But I'm not an expert - I'm just repeating what I've picked up from webmaster forums.


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[quote user="Quillan"] 

However I did reach a google ranking of 1 the other week but I see it's down to 3 again. It normally hovers around 2 or 3 which given the competition is not too bad for a home brew website I think[/quote]

Do you mean you reached a PR of 4 and it's down to 3 again?  I think PR 3 isn't too bad, either.  Though I do dream of hitting 4.  But there again, I used to have a PR of zero for about 4 months after I set up the website, yet never did TOO badly on searches for anything to do with Alençon and chambres, chambres d'hotes and the like, and when the PR suddenly popped up to 3 one day it seemed to make damn all difference!


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Let me explain because this bit of software is something I don’t understand. Somebody somewhere suggested some websites to look at for improving your rankings. In fact I think it was in either the Gite or B&B section and if memory serves me right it was one of those threads (like this one) that started out completely differently, possibly about writing a website.

Anyway I visited a couple of these websites and on one (http://www.yagoort.org/) there is a Google utility area and I copied over this ranking software. I think this was one of those websites that told you what your links were etc. So that’s what I used and it’s sitting at 3 today. I thought that 1 was the best ranking and 9 or 10 was the worst but from what one post says here perhaps it’s the other way round. If somebody wants to have a look I wouldn’t mind their interpretation. My website is my signature below by the way.

Now if this helps I have enabled the ranking part of the Google toolbar and at present it says this page has a ranking of 0/10, mine has 3/10 and the main living France website index page has 5/10. I believe you shouldn’t leave this function on as it reports the URLS you visit back to Google according to the help page.

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Hi again

You're right about the PR tool tracking your Internet activity but I keep the Google PR function on my toolbar 'cos I don't really mind who knows what I'm doing on the Internet (it's normally pretty bloomin' boring so who cares and I suspect it's not the only way we are being snooped on anyway) and I think the PR thing is handy to have immediately to make sure nowt horrible has happened to my own PR.  Your site is showing PR 3 at present.

What I want to know is, if we both have a PR 3 on a page and we were to exchanged links between them, would those pages go up to 6 if we didn't have any other links on those pages?

I had a really brilliant little link that enabled you to find your website's ranking (page and position) for a given key word search on google - really handy for honing your <balises> and page titles.  Unlike most similar tools that you find all over the Internet,  it let you put in multiple URLs (so you could also check out the competition) and up to 10 different keyword searches at the same time and gave you the results for each in a neat summary table.  But I lost it when I installed this new computer. [:'(]

 If I find it again I'll let you know.


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