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Re: Period of Reflection

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"So your answer is, essentially, that there are things we don't know,

that someone (who?) is lying and that you won't tell us anything that

would help us understand why you have acted as you did.

That's nice.

Please don't think we are joking about this, as your last post suggests

you are. There are fundamental issues under discussion here, I don't

know whether you realise that.


Dick Smith


Free the St Malo 1!"

Nothing new on this Forum.

Some time ago, on the old Forum, I had the temerity to question a

posting made by a current Moderator using another alias to endorse some

gite booking software whilst posing as a satisfied user.

Their response was to threaten me with removal for using my website address as a signature in contravention of Forum rules.

The software was Easybook http://www.easybookonline.com/

Interesting that there is no comment from Forum Admin on this stupid saga.

As others have said, the departure of Will, for whatever reason, is a

loss to the Forum - he was the only Moderator that contributed anything



Bob Clarke


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The underlying issue here seems to be the gradual eroding of freedom of

speech - or print- carried over from the nanny state mentality in

british politics - rather than whatever this or that individual has

said. Why were moderators introduced in the first place? Because of

fears of business that they may be sued. As many adults are of the

nature " no-one can tell me what I can or can't do" ( I know, I've got

one at home)  there are bound to be clashes. But I do hope this

forum survives with sparkling debate and repartee. And thanks to the

mods for carrying on doing a thankless job. Pat.

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[quote user="Penny29"]


I've been a member of this Forum since at least 2002, but haven't posted much in the last year or so because I did feel that the Forum had lost a lot of it's punch and pizzazz as a result of too many rules and regulations being bought in.

To be frank, the Forum got boring.

In my opinion it is going to get a lot more boring if people who enter into spirited discussions and debates risk being banned or "suspended" for failing to toe the Fluffy Party Line, and yes, I am referring to people like Miki, and to people like Teamed Up and Val and to all those who stick their heads above the parapet from time to time - people who aren't scared to voice their opinions. Please don't start banning all the interesting people!!!

I DO think over-moderation of the Forum is having and will have a detrimental effect........ gawd help us, but I can see the day when all the posts will be "safe" and along the lines of: "Will my white goods work in France?"/"Do I need Top Up Insurance?"/Where can I buy Heinz Beanz?"/"Will my Sky dish work in France?".


Well a few weeks ago I said I was no longer going to take part in this forum, mainly for the reasons Penny has stated above.  This place has become boring and dictatorial. But this thread has driven me to respond.

I think I had the very first "run-in" with Miki about 4 years ago and it went on and on and on and on - God it must have been boring to some, then Quillan joined in on my side (before his Moderator days) and it still went on and on.  Miki never gives up, Miki can be a pain in a***, I disagree with someone earlier on this thread who said he is invariably right, he isn't.  HOWEVER, I don't think I've ever seen anything that he has posted that should call for his suspension  or banning.  Suspension, what a joke that is - are we children?  No Miki, don't grovel or apologise, just use another forum[:@]

Just before I go I'll continue to stir this can of worms that has been opened with a couple of points which will inevitably get me banned:

It's interesting to see what Bobc has said about the B&B booking system that Quillan recommends.  He is actually flogging it at £199 a time.  In fact, he's got a business as a B&B advisor..... wait for it............. in partnership with MIKI [:-))][:-))][:-))]   How's that going to work now?

Is is possible to ban a moderator?  I think Quillan has behaved over the last few months in a most unprofessional manner and bordering on breaching the forum's own Ts&Cs.  If the moderators can vote to ban members, can members vote to ban moderators?  If the moderators disappear, will this forum disappear?  If the moderators remain will it disappear up it's own b**??[:P]

I'll wait for my naughty girl PM now -   Byyyyeeeeeee!

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You may be surprised St Armour, but I am really glad you have seen fit to post. After you last contribution you told the whole forum, just how dreadful you felt after someone was nasty to you via this forum. That person would have been banned, but chose to withdraw.

Someone else was equally upset last week, for different reasons, but never the less upset just the same. Now, you were not expected to put upwith it, but they are, because the offender is someone you like ? I don't think so. The rules are for everyone, there is no exclusion that says, everyone but Miki.

I'm not sue that either Miki or Quillan will appreciate having their private business discussed on the forum, especially Miki who cannot reply.

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PRIVATE BUSINESS!!!!  They've got a website for God's sake!!!  Anything on the web is in the public domain - Quillan just doesn't see fit to mention that it is his website when he recommends a certain booking package.  I personally see no harm in him flogging it "off forum" if people want to buy it, I just think it's a little underhand that he doesn't mention that it is him that is flogging it.  He could after all, send people to the manufacturer's website but he doesn't - he sends them to his own, which then promotes a further business.

As for me expecting people to be banned and then not banning others.  Well the original perpetrator of the offence to me WASN'T banned was he?  And it went on for some time before he withdrew from the Forum  (due to the support I received from members, not moderators, no moderator made an attempt to intervene or even warn him)  Anyway, I'm a big girl and long ago got over that.   So it begs the question, why Miki and not Alex, or whatever his name was.  Oops, aren't I suppose to mention his name either?[6]

Oh and by the way, Miki can certainly send me an email if he disapproves of me mentioning his business collaboration with Quillan - but as they say, any publicity is good publicity! [:P]   I'm still waiting to hear from him.....

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[quote user="St Amour"]

PRIVATE BUSINESS!!!!  They've got a website for God's sake!!!  Anything on the web is in the public domain - Quillan just doesn't see fit to mention that it is his website when he recommends a certain booking package.  I personally see no harm in him flogging it "off forum" if people want to buy it, I just think it's a little underhand that he doesn't mention that it is him that is flogging it.  He could after all, send people to the manufacturer's website but he doesn't - he sends them to his own, which then promotes a further business.

As for me expecting people to be banned and then not banning others.  Well the original perpetrator of the offence to me WASN'T banned was he?  And it went on for some time before he withdrew from the Forum  (due to the support I received from members, not moderators, no moderator made an attempt to intervene or even warn him)  Anyway, I'm a big girl and long ago got over that.   So it begs the question, why Miki and not Alex, or whatever his name was.  Oops, aren't I suppose to mention his name either?[6]

Oh and by the way, Miki can certainly send me an email if he disapproves of me mentioning his business collaboration with Quillan - but as they say, any publicity is good publicity! [:P]   I'm still waiting to hear from him.....


By the way have you installed it yet are you happy with it? I have not had any feedback since I sent you that demo copy.

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I do not think that as a moderator you are setting a very good or dare I say "professional" example. The web & forums are for the people by the people. If anybody does not like comments which are made, they should not put themselves in the position to recieve them. If a person wants their private life to remain private, best they draw a line & decide not to cross it.


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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="St Amour"]

 I personally see no harm in him flogging it "off forum" if people want to buy it, I just think it's a little underhand that he doesn't mention that it is him that is flogging it. 


By the way have you installed it yet are you happy with it? I have not had any feedback since I sent you that demo copy.


I'm afraid I've been too busy with building work and guests to sit down and have a go yet.  But as I have said above - if I am happy with the product I am more than happy to buy it (from whoever) - I just thought it a little strange that as a moderator you left yourself open to having guns fired in your direction by not admitting that you had a commercial interest in the site - it was hardly a third party recommendation (which is the only form of publicity we're allowed to offer on the forum) was it?

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[quote user="St Amour"][quote user="Quillan"][quote user="St Amour"]

 I personally see no harm in him flogging it "off forum" if people want to buy it, I just think it's a little underhand that he doesn't mention that it is him that is flogging it. 


By the way have you installed it yet are you happy with it? I have not had any feedback since I sent you that demo copy.


I'm afraid I've been too busy with building work and guests to sit down and have a go yet.  But as I have said above - if I am happy with the product I am more than happy to buy it (from whoever) - I just thought it a little strange that as a moderator you left yourself open to having guns fired in your direction by not admitting that you had a commercial interest in the site - it was hardly a third party recommendation (which is the only form of publicity we're allowed to offer on the forum) was it?


Having had a serious telling off for this in the past, I'm sure you will remember the event, and having had a slap from Archant it's about as far as I can go. I do have the software and I have made changes to it for the French market and I do use it and I think it's very good value. I can have the website instead of my B&B one as my signature but as you know we are allowed only one and having your website as a signature does raise you website in google rankings. So thats why I don't change it over. Being a moderator here and having guns fired at you is not the end of the world, fortunatly. [:D]

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Having had a serious telling off for this in the past, I'm sure you will remember the event, and having had a slap from Archant it's about as far as I can go. [/quote]

No I don't remember - sounds like a bit of gossip though, so do tell[:D]

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[quote user="Quillan"] I can have the website instead of my B&B one as my signature but as you know we are allowed only one and having your website as a signature does raise you website in google rankings.  [/quote]


I wonder about that. Given that the forum is in a dynamic database (php) do the search engines ever actually scan it ?




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Wow!  Just back after a month's absence and looks like I've missed something, judging from all the bile and venom spewing forth here. 

Just picking up on what John said re. having your website in your signature, most pages on the forum have a PR of zero so I suspect he's right and there's no effect on google rankings.


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[quote user="St Amour"][quote user="Quillan"]

Having had a serious telling off for this in the past, I'm sure you will remember the event, and having had a slap from Archant it's about as far as I can go. [/quote]

No I don't remember - sounds like a bit of gossip though, so do tell[:D]


Weeelllllll there was another member who does not post so much now who was pushing various websites but admin thought it didn't really matter to much even though they appeared to be commercial. So I though, in the words of Dick, "whats good for the goose etc", well near enough, so I posted under a different name about my fantastic software I had bought, tweeked and now sold with a website address. Got caught, fair cop and all, post and user deleted and told not to be so stupid in future. Thats it really. Bobc got part of it right till he got to the web address which is for the company I buy the software from and modify it for the French market.

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[quote user="Cassis"]Wow!  Just back after a month's absence and looks like I've missed something, judging from all the bile and venom spewing forth here. 

Just picking up on what John said re. having your website in your signature, most pages on the forum have a PR of zero so I suspect he's right and there's no effect on google rankings.


Somebody gave the address of one of those websites that works out your links, ranking and all that jazz and it told me that one of the things that helped was the forum. OK it's only a small bit but every little thing helps.

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I have often wondered about this.  I'm guessing the only benefit can be from boosting your PR.  But I believe this depends on the PR of the linking page itself and how many other outgoing links it has - so it is no good having a link from a page with a PR of zero.  Could be wrong, of course!


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Here's what I think. Having a forum on a site impoves the ranking of the site. Links within the forum are not seen.

Though the people on Slow Travel say otherwise, and have implemented a no-advertising rule because of it. So I might well be wrong.

Hey -ho


Just thought of a test. Do a google search on Free Miki and see if the forum comes up !

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The plot thickens though. A search for 'free miki' and 'moderator' gives the following. The second one is clear proof that as far back as Jan 14 miki was planning a forum of his own.  He'll be marching on the Alsace Lorraine next.

MIKI Forum :: FAQ

MIKI Forum Forum Index, MIKI Forum MIKI 2006 and other stuff ... They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums. Back to top ...
miki.pharm.uic.edu/phpBB2/faq. php?sid=da20ffae2fbe43520558e4527c3fe837 - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

miki :: Index

The newest registered user is Miki. In total there is 1 user online :: 0 Registered, 0 Hidden and 1 Guest [ Administrator ] [ Moderator ] [ [ Test ] ] ...
www.createphpbb.com/fallenangel/ - 22k - Cached - Similar pages

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[quote user="Owens88"]

The plot thickens though. A search for 'free miki' and 'moderator' gives the following. The second one is clear proof that as far back as Jan 14 miki was planning a forum of his own.  He'll be marching on the Alsace Lorraine next.

MIKI Forum :: FAQ

MIKI Forum Forum Index, MIKI Forum MIKI 2006 and other stuff ... They also have full moderator capabilities in all the forums. Back to top ...

miki.pharm.uic.edu/phpBB2/faq. php?sid=da20ffae2fbe43520558e4527c3fe837 - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

miki :: Index

The newest registered user is Miki. In total there is 1 user online :: 0 Registered, 0 Hidden and 1 Guest [ Administrator ] [ Moderator ] [ [ Test ] ] ...

www.createphpbb.com/fallenangel/ - 22k - Cached - Similar pages


A google search for "free miki" alone gives completely different results! What have you been doing since you were exiled to cyberspace, Miki?

Warning: Don't try this if you are at work!

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I don't know, I think he looks kinda cute.  Not quite the shape I'd imagined, but I could get used to it.


But did you see the Italian girl's site?  That picture of the man with no hands, his little boy doing up his shirt buttons for him.  Oh sob! [:(]

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