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Re: Period of Reflection

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Yes, but you never know when you might need to quote a bit of Latin on a French forum ......or complete a crossword puzzle[Www] I have some very interesting books......I even used to have one on Welsh somewhere and I could count to 10 and say that ridiculously long word Llanfair...gogogoch!
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[quote user="viva"]

No I'm not joking Dick.

In all fairness Miki , who I acknowledge is an authority on

France and knows a great deal about life here, has been waging his own

mini vendetta on here for some time. The person on the receiving end of

this has behaved with dignity throughout and yet Miki continued to be

belligerent and vindictive. I don't expect to get much / any support

for my views but this is how it appeared to me.

I have nothing against Miki and enjoyed his posts and banter but in

recent weeks, I feel he has been overly rude to the mods and the

'alleged' complainant. As I have said before, anyone

can report a post not just the supposed injured party and I have

reported posts when I have seen fit and if this makes me unpopular with

some, too bad.

It seems that there are some who are just voyeurs rather than

regular particpants and only come out of the woodwork to cause

controversy and when they are rumbled they don't like it.


Seconded. I've a huge amount of respect for Miki. He has been in France

a lot longer than I and given me a lot of useful information over the

past four or five years (and slapped me down when I've deserved it),

but pursuing whatever this issue was has done no-one any favours.

This forum exists by consent, not by right. Archent could pull the plug

tomorrow if they so wished, and given the roasting the Mods are

currently getting they might just consider it. Rather than asking a

pile of confrontatal questions to which there are nothing but

inflamatory answers, we might do better to present some suggestions on

how to improve moderation of this forum.

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[quote user="viva"]Didn't need to google - had it to hand in my bookshelf [:P] I'm very well read and I know how Dick likes things to be right [:D][/quote]

Is this one in your book?

Satius est impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis, quam innocentem damnari

Free the Saint Malo 1. I'm having banners made.

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I would like to add my voice to this thread. It is never very nice for someone to be banned from a discussion group. Although Miki and I  didn't see agree on much he did do some very interesting and informative posts and to a point he was always up for a good old fashioned debate. This forum has changed a lot, it seems that anyone who disagrees with what another member posts has only to run to the "mods" ( who are now talking about "offences" and "banning without appeal") perhaps we should put one of the less likeable third world tinpot dictators forword as a moddy. Lets get back to real life and stop this whining and back biting. Perhaps it would be a good idea if we were told the reason for the banning of Miki, shown the offending post and let the offended party/s debate their case.

Have a nice weekend y'all and be carefull what you say.


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[quote user="Nelson"]I think that since Wills resignation as moderator this forum has lost from the moderators its one voice of reason, and for reasons not stated certain moderators are now running this forum to settle personnel scores

It's nice of you to say so Nelson but I have to point out that my reasons for going were connected with a diminishing commitment to the French dream and not forum problems. I am as sorry as anybody to see the turn that things have taken, though I don't believe personal vendettas are involved.

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Viva, I think you need to try to get your head around an important point here.

This is not about what Miki did or didn't do.

It's about the arbitrary and peculiar use of their 'powers' by the mods, and certain people who know how to jerk their chain by making complaints.

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[quote user="Absafc"][quote user="viva"]Didn't need to google - had it to hand in my bookshelf [:P] I'm very well read and I know how Dick likes things to be right [:D][/quote]

Is this one in your book?

Satius est impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis, quam innocentem damnari

Free the Saint Malo 1. I'm having banners made.

I think most of your 14 posts have been about this controversy, have you nothing to say about life in France or are you just enjoying the fall out?



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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Viva, I think you need to try to get your head around an important point here.

This is not about what Miki did or didn't do.

It's about the arbitrary and peculiar use of their 'powers' by the mods, and certain people who know how to jerk their chain by making complaints.


I don't mean to be rude but I really don't need you to tell me what I do or don't need to get my head around. I can work things out for myself [:)]

I think you are not crediting the mods with any intelligence or sense of fair play. You were quite happy to see the back of LB but not your mate Miki. Granted that they may have breached different forum rules but Miki has only been suspended for a month.  Very often it is difficult to gauge a persons tone in writing (hence the use of smilies) and even you as I'm sure you are aware can be a bit brusque on occasions which I'm sure you appreciate with your command of the English language. But this forum is meant as a bit of fun and people don't come here to be insulted...they can stay at home and have that!

However, I do think people are climbing out of the woodwork just to make mischief as Ron stated earlier today.

Miki will soon be back, older and perhaps a bit wiser . Lets please get away from dissecting all that the mods do on OUR behalf and chat about other things whether trivial, serious, French or British!


Edit Re you telling me that I am acting as a censor, isn't it just a bit sad that a member of a LIVING FRANCE forum can only contribute to nit pick about a person being banned rather than the rich variety of topics that are discussed on here usually?

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When Will resigned, I assumed that he was just sick to the back teeth of sorting out squabbles. Sadly, this forum does need moderators because, some people get their kicks out of winding other up, some use phrases which can be mis interpreted, some think that they can be as rude as they like because they can not see the other person, some can not accept that they are capable of being wrong and many are sometimes some/all of the above. That being said, I would not want to be a moderator because they can't do right for doing wrong. When they are lenient, they are wrong and when they are strict, they are still wrong.

A lot of the postings on this forum are on a par with pub gossip (nothing wrong with that). However, unlike a pub where most points of view will be forgotten by the end of the next pint, many of us seem to expect the prose we use here to be preserved for prosperity. Why is that? Do we really think that what we have written is vitally important, or is it just that we don't like somebody telling us that we might be in the wrong? I suspect the latter!

Mods. Even when I disagree with you, you have my support. If ever you think I am wrong, I hope that I am big enough to accept being told, so don't be afraid to do so. If you need to delete any of my posts (past or future) because they will not make sense due to other deletions, then there is no need to apologise, just do it.


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Yes you're right Dick I can.We all can!

Just thought I would try and put across another point of view, one that just might be shared by one or two other people here, but I can see that I am clearly wasting my time because you have made your mind up and nothing or no-one is going to change it.





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I've been a member of this Forum since at least 2002, but haven't posted much in the last year or so because I did feel that the Forum had lost a lot of it's punch and pizzazz as a result of too many rules and regulations being bought in.

To be frank, the Forum got boring.

In my opinion it is going to get a lot more boring if people who enter into spirited discussions and debates risk being banned or "suspended" for failing to toe the Fluffy Party Line, and yes, I am referring to people like Miki, and to people like Teamed Up and Val and to all those who stick their heads above the parapet from time to time - people who aren't scared to voice their opinions. Please don't start banning all the interesting people!!!

I DO think over-moderation of the Forum is having and will have a detrimental effect........ gawd help us, but I can see the day when all the posts will be "safe" and along the lines of: "Will my white goods work in France?"/"Do I need Top Up Insurance?"/Where can I buy Heinz Beanz?"/"Will my Sky dish work in France?".





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[quote user="viva"]

[quote user="Absafc"][quote user="viva"]Didn't need to google - had it to hand in my bookshelf [:P] I'm very well read and I know how Dick likes things to be right [:D][/quote]

Is this one in your book?

Satius est impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis, quam innocentem damnari

Free the Saint Malo 1. I'm having banners made.

I think most of your 14 posts have been about this controversy, have you nothing to say about life in France or are you just enjoying the fall out?




I've been a subscriber for several years and, as I have explained previously, I choose to lurk rather than post in the main. I use the forum for practical reasons and have been able to find answers to many questions without having to "reveal" myself. You may also have noticed that one of my first posts was aimed at Miki who I thought, mistakenly as it now turns out, was overreacting to the actions of the moderators.

Power to the people.

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[quote user="Penny29"]


I've been a member of this Forum since at least 2002, but haven't posted much in the last year or so because I did feel that the Forum had lost a lot of it's punch and pizzazz as a result of too many rules and regulations being bought in.

To be frank, the Forum got boring.

In my opinion it is going to get a lot more boring if people who enter into spirited discussions and debates risk being banned or "suspended" for failing to toe the Fluffy Party Line, and yes, I am referring to people like Miki, and to people like Teamed Up and Val and to all those who stick their heads above the parapet from time to time - people who aren't scared to voice their opinions. Please don't start banning all the interesting people!!!

I DO think over-moderation of the Forum is having and will have a detrimental effect........ gawd help us, but I can see the day when all the posts will be "safe" and along the lines of: "Will my white goods work in France?"/"Do I need Top Up Insurance?"/Where can I buy Heinz Beanz?"/"Will my Sky dish work in France?".


Yeah, spirited discussions and debates can be very interesting. Passionate people who believe in a subject can be great to read. But I feel that too often some people just don't know when enough is enough. They, sorry, we (I have done it, but I am not proud of that fact) really nit pick the words that somebody has chosen - even when we know deep inside, that really the other person didn't mean something quite as literally as we've taken it, but it doesn't matter what is right, it just matters that we win. What a stupid concept!

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