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Re: Period of Reflection

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I think you either volunteer or you are chosen. I volunteered, but it was just treated as a joke and I heard no more about it...

It seems Admin had Eslier lined up. What 'qualifications' you need, exactly what the duties are or the 'powers' are not stated.

No wonder.

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Isubmit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust and who willingly aacepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the highest respect for the law.

In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends,

Two quotes by Martin Luther King come to mind, can you quote without getting banned. Save Miki

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I had a post pulled last week by our new mod. I was told that the sentiment of the post was ok but I used inapropriate words, They wern't rude or obscene but someone thought they were inapropriate so the post was pulled. I then did another post which had a light hearted jibe at the other mods. This was pulled and I received a pm saying that they were all donning their hoods and thinking about black balling me. I then received another pm saying that although they wern't going to give me the boot I had better be carefull and start tugging the old forelock. The point is this is supposed to be a discussion group but it is beginning to be immposible to discuss the time of day. I have received quite a bit of abuse but I have never reached for the red button I have just been a bit on the abusive side back. I think that it would be better if people were left to sort their opinions out between themselves and the mods do their  moddy thing as a very very last resort.

Have a good day y'all and don't forget, there but for fortune.[:)]



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[quote user="Dick Smith"]

A question for Eslier (I wish I had a name - how fair is an anonymous moderator?) - how many mods agreed with the decision to ban Miki? How many disagreed? Did Admin know?


I will answer those three questions for you as Eslier is not about.

How many mods agreed with the decision to ban Miki? - All

How many disagreed? - None

Did Admin know? - We had no input from Forum Admin. He is the only person who can implement a ban on his own as he represents Archant and it's their forum. Because there was no input there must be a 100% yes vote to ban a member. Because I and another moderator were involved in certain threads we were not allowed any input to the decision making, communications and actual banning other than the opportunity to vote. Contrary to what may be thought or perceived the events and complaints leading up to the ban are recorded back to the end of last year. There were others before that but there is no longer a record because the software was changed and all the PM's went with it.

Eslier volunteered to do the actual banning, email and take ownership. Forum Admin is now away till Tuesday and should Miki decide to appeal to him it is his right to do so. I and the other modertor concerned have nothing further to say until after the appeal (if there is one as I don't know if Miki has even contacted Forum Admin or intends to) so as not to prejudice Forum Admin. That’s the facts as all the moderators know them and the members may believe or disbelieve them as they wish.


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Please confirm who wrote the message to Miki. It seems very similar in language and tone to the one you sent me - which Admin later told me hadn't meant what you actually said. In that case Admin suggested that you had acted alone.

It seems to me to be rather odd that moderators who are personally involved are allowed to vote. Do you think that is fair?

And who, exactly, is Eslier?

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Please confirm who wrote the message to Miki. It seems very similar in language and tone to the one you sent me - which Admin later told me hadn't meant what you actually said. In that case Admin suggested that you had acted alone.

It seems to me to be rather odd that moderators who are personally involved are allowed to vote. Do you think that is fair?

And who, exactly, is Eslier?

If you are implying I wrote 'the' message or had input then the answer is no. As to what you have received from Miki I don't have a clue. If you say it's what was sent by the moderator I can't comment till I see what you were sent.

Voting, It does not really matter if you think about it because we are not allowed to lobby our view and it needs a 100% vote, that’s just one person to disagree out of all the moderators and the ban cannot be implemented. Forum admin may of course over ride the moderators decision after all it's their (Archants) forum.

Eslier - You will have to ask him/her. The forum allows people to use their own name, which I assume you have done, or a 'handle' just like say Twinkle (first name that popped in to my head no inference meant). If they feel they wish to divulge their name to you that is up to them. Perhaps having seen how the other moderators have been hounded and abused they have decided to stay anonymous, as I said you will have to ask them.

On the subject of Miki and his ban I have nothing more to add other than to say ask Eslier, he/she is the contact point for all communications.


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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="Dick Smith"]

A question for Eslier (I wish I had a name - how fair is an anonymous moderator?) - how many mods agreed with the decision to ban Miki? How many disagreed? Did Admin know?


I will answer those three questions for you as Eslier is not about.

How many mods agreed with the decision to ban Miki? - All

How many disagreed? - None

Did Admin know? - We had no input from Forum Admin. He is the only person who can implement a ban on his own as he represents Archant and it's their forum. Because there was no input there must be a 100% yes vote to ban a member. Because I and another moderator were involved in certain threads we were not allowed any input to the decision making, communications and actual banning other than the opportunity to vote. Contrary to what may be thought or perceived the events and complaints leading up to the ban are recorded back to the end of last year. There were others before that but there is no longer a record because the software was changed and all the PM's went with it.

Eslier volunteered to do the actual banning, email and take ownership. Forum Admin is now away till Tuesday and should Miki decide to appeal to him it is his right to do so. I and the other modertor concerned have nothing further to say until after the appeal (if there is one as I don't know if Miki has even contacted Forum Admin or intends to) so as not to prejudice Forum Admin. That’s the facts as all the moderators know them and the members may believe or disbelieve them as they wish.



I would have thought that the vote was the most important part of the process!

Your post seems to contradict a message I received from Eslier which stated that the decision was his/hers.

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Contradictory messages seem to be the norm.

Quillan - will you confirm that Miki's 'offence' was to make a joke at your expense?

If that is the case did you or someone else report the post?

If the post was not reported, did the mods simply take action on their own account?

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Good afternoon to your all,

Firstly, I am sorry if anyone is concerned that I am "anonymous". I agree that Eslier is not a common name but nevertheless it is the name I use. If you really would like to know, I am male, in my mid forties and live in France. I hope that satisfies those questions.

Regarding the issue of Miki, I do not feel that the open forum is an appropriate place to discuss matters of a private nature that take place between another member and the moderators.  I am more than happy to provide an answer to any questions or concerns any of you may have, to the best of my ability, if you wish to contact me privately. I will not, however, be able to divulge any information which has been passed on to the moderators in confidence.

The main problem here is that I, and the other moderators, are in possession of information that, due to the confidential nature of forum "report" complaints, we are not at liberty to divulge. Therefore, no one, other than the moderators is in a position to judge categorically whether the decision that was taken to ban Miki was justified. I can sympathise that this may be very frustrating to some of you.

I would also urge you all not to believe everything you read. There are some posts within this thread that are simply not true. I haven't done anything about them because, quite simply, I really can't be bothered and am not interested in over moderation. Those people who have been a little creative with the truth know who they are and I can't see that there is anything to be gained by bursting their little dream bubble.

On a personal note, I respect the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion, whether or not it is one I agree with.  One of the most important lessons I have learnt in my life is that sometimes it's ok to agree to disagree. The important thing is to move on or no one gets anywhere.

I enjoy participating in this forum and have aquired a lot of knowledge from it as, I suspect, have many of you. Let us not lose sight of the fact that it exists to discuss France and French Lifestyle. Please keep posting constructively.

My very best wishes to you all - enjoy the sunshine.

Mr. Eslier.

PS  Do I get an invite to the "prison food" dinner ?

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So your answer is, essentially, that there are things we don't know, that someone (who?) is lying and that you won't tell us anything that would help us understand why you have acted as you did.

That's nice.

Please don't think we are joking about this, as your last post suggests you are. There are fundamental issues under discussion here, I don't know whether you realise that.

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Careful Dick or a little corporal will be banning you.I happened to say on this forum once, somebody was acting like a fag,[The collage i went to plus the Oxford English Dictionary -Quote-To do something that wearies one,or a junior who performs certain duties for a senior ie a drudge.]That cost me a repremand and one an only final warning.If mods cannot understand Queens english what chance have we and the likes of Miki got.Allthough i think miki do not seem to know when to stop once he has made his point he should not have been banned on what [seems] a personal whim.I also think you would make a great moderator,but sorry you would be to bright for the job!!.The Officer of the mods has gone and we are left with the other ranks.This great forum seems to have lost its way in the last month or so.Perhaps there is another moderator who should look closely at himself and his position for the sake of the forum.The members are the forum and the people who post often,nearly all cannot be wrong[reading between the lines.]The Moderators job must be thankless etc but its gone well over the top lately in my humble opinion.Happy days Michael.
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I'm not a prolific poster so my opinion doesn't matter, but I wasn't overjoyed when it was announced that Eslier was to be a Mod as I have been patronised by him on more than one occasion on the AI Brittany forum (under his other name of James dept 35 near Combourg).

Edit: I even complained to the admin or moderator or whatever it is on that forum on hat occasion because he was so rude, but never even got a response. Perhaps he is a mod there too?

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The Miki fans might like to be reminded that he is MEK at the other place, and posted there earlier today. Not that I'd encourage anybody to move there of course (well, it has its place, a different sort of forum from this one, just as the various AI sites are different too)
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