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Britons will be able to sue across the EU


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Reported today that a new EU wide agreement will mean that for example a UK resident will be able to make a small claim against a French trader by registering his claim in a UK court. Likely to cover faulty goods, injuries etc for up to £10,000. Should cause a bit of fun when all the litigious Brits get going. Due to start in about 12- 18 months time.

There goes another  flying pig..........


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Interesting idea, but what language would be used if I say I lived in Manchester, and I sued my French neighbour who speaks no English.  Also in the above event, would the case be heard in England or France? Who would pay the travel and interpreter costs?  I don't expect answers, just thinking aloud
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I'm no lawyer but I would have thought that the various inconsistencies between French law, based on the Napoleonic code, and the system based on common law and case law used in most other countries, including Britain, might, in practice, make legal harmonisation rather difficult. For example, the distinction between civil and criminal law seems very blurred in France.

As some people seem to leave their home country to escape debtors etc, as Tony says, it could prove rather an interesting move, if it ever happens.

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[quote]The problem as ever will be enforcing the courts judgement, I know plenty of instances in the UK where people have gained judgements but have never been able to collect. Court takes fees makes judgeme...[/quote]

The courts in the UK don't just forget it. If you take a complaint back to them they will always follow it up.
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