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Chip and Pin Security

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People had always said that whilst the UK “chip and pin” system was not compatible with that used in France it “was better and more secure” (UK system better and more secure).  I now read that Shell have suspended taking payments through chip and pin in the UK after £1m was “siphoned” out of customer accounts.  BP are apparently also now looking into the fraud. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/4980190.stm)


Is the French system less secure (or French terminals less secure) or does anybody know of anything similar happening in France ?




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People were saying UK system was more secure on one of these forums (this one I think but I’ve not searched back to confirm, only going from memory).  “People” commented on the improved security of the UK system when there was discussion about French supermarkets being unable to accept UK chip ‘n pin cards and the “incompatibility” issues were raised.



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The trouble is though, I can't remember the last time I actually saw a retailer check the payment signature on my card in the uk.  In fact once I had my OHs card to draw out cash and accidently used it to pay for shopping and signed ny own name.  His card says Mr ******** on it, its not he has a unisex name.
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You have a point, Anton.  I can change my PIN number at a cashpoint in England and have done so to a memorable number (for me).  I went to see my bank manager at Credit Agricole to change my French PIN and he can't do it.
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Haven't done much shopping in the UK since they introduced chip'n'pin but when I did the keypad was always secured in an area where you could be overlooked by the shop assistant and the line of people waiting to be served and unless you crouched low over the key pad and put your hand over the top, then everyone could see what you were punching in![;-)]
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