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Have the rules changed for french nationality by birth?


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I was born in France of New Zealand nationality parents. Only lived in France for the first 3 years of my life before moving to the UK. At the age of 14 I followed my parents and obtained a New Zealand passport. My parents  did not advise me that I had the option to obtain french nationality at that stage,  and it probably didn't concern me too much at that time!  ( I have never obtained a british passport although I have spent nearly all my life here.)-                      My understanding was that I would now have to follow the same guidelines as every other foreigner ie be permanently resident in France for 5 yrs but my brother said that this ruling has now changed for people born in France?  Anyone know anything about this? 


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The laws on children born in france to foreign parents keep changing (there was a period when you automatically became French on your 18th birthday unless you had indicated otherwise in writing at the mairie- leading one politician to say that you could become "french by accident") At the moment, parents can ask for french nationality for their child from the age of 13 or children can for it themselves from the age of 16. In all the cases you still have to have lived in france for at least 5 years and be resident when you apply. This is for children, I don't know about adults.

As far as I can tell the main difference between someone born in France and any other foreigner is the fact that french nationality is a right for those born there if they ask for it. (a declaration not a demande)

 look here http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F295.xhtml?&n=Etrangers%20en%20France&l=N8&n=Etrangers%20:%20nationalit%C3%A9%20fran%C3%A7aise&l=N111


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 As you were not french resident for five years between the ages of 11 and 18 then you would not automatically qualify for french nationality. As your parents moved and you were not resident then you lost that right. As far as I am aware if you live in France for x number of years as an adult then you will qualify, at the moment as a none resident you will not.


You need to see the people at the Bureau de Nationalite Francaise at the Tribunal d'Instance and they will give you all the information.

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