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tenancy rights


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hello people,

i`ve been here for three months on a three year unfurnished lease with a young family.my landlord has just requested that i move out in december!! i`m a bit suprised as they have always been very friendly towards us but i guess he is a landlord at the end of the day. i suspect he wants to build a house on the land in front of this one while he lives here although his explanation is he has had a job transfer to a town nearby!! this maybe a way he can shorten the lease possibly. i can speak and write some french and get the general idea of what he is requesting through the agency but cannot read the contract in full.without going into the whole story can someone give me an accurate translation of these sentences (a letter from the agency explaining the position)

"de ce fait,il nous demande de re-integrer sa maison dans un brief delai : 15 decembre 2005.selon le contrat de location, il ne peut pas vous donner un delai aussi cours car vous louez actuellement cette maison jusqu`au 30 juin 2008, et s`il veut re-integrer sa maison, il doit vous avertir 6 mois avant le 30 juin 2008 (donc le 31 decembre 2007)"

" nous lui avons explique que vous etiez a la recherche d`un bien et qu`il est possible que vous achetiez une nouvelle maison, ce qui vous permettrait de quitter la maison que vous louez"

i think i understand but just need confirmation from a better french speaker please, i think it is up to me basically if i allow this request,

any help much appreciated.

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de ce fait,il nous demande de re-integrer sa maison dans un brief delai : 15 decembre 2005.selon le contrat de location, il ne peut pas vous donner un delai aussi cours car vous louez actuellement cette maison jusqu`au 30 juin 2008, et s`il veut re-integrer sa maison, il doit vous avertir 6 mois avant le 30 juin 2008 (donc le 31 decembre 2007)"

" nous lui avons explique que vous etiez a la recherche d`un bien et qu`il est possible que vous achetiez une nouvelle maison, ce qui vous permettrait de quitter la maison que vous louez"


For this reason he has asked us to regain possesion of his house ASAP ie 15 December. According to the rental contract he cannot give you such a short notice, because you are currently renting the house until June 2008, so if he wants to gain possession of the house he must let you know 6 months before June, ie December 2007

We have explained that you are currently looking for a property , and it is possible that you will buty a new house, which would allow you to leave the house that you are renting....


In other words its up to you whether you leave or not. If he is really desperate to get his hands on the property perhaps he could persuade you by offering a small contribution to your new house.

He could not get you evicted between 1 November and March even if you hadn't paid the rent , so asking you to leave by December is a bit rich 


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So be strong and stand your ground if he wants you to move because he has a better use of the land he must pay you big time thats if you want to move its out of order you have rights here in France use them as a French person would   Good Luck
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We have an ordinary, private, bought-over-the-counter, 3 year contract for our rented, unfurnished house. Before signing I questioned the proprietor as much as my French would allow and was told that we could give her 3 months notice at any time - though she would appreciate it if we stayed for at least a year 'cos of the cost of advertising, etat des lieux etc. But that if she wanted us to leave she had to give us 6 months notice so that we left on the contract-end date. If she wanted us to leave earlier it was normally accepted that she had to pay us money for the inconvenience we would be put to.

So I agree with pinkfluff - stand your ground - you have right on your side.


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thankyou so much for your reply`s, suspected this was the case, the reassurance has been just what i needed. can`t believe the guy is requesting that i move in the middle of december with three young children aged under 6!! i appreciate the responses and will now decide how to play it. on a different note...........what a beautiful month september has been here in france.
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Absolutely agree with what has been said. The agency is just passing on a request, but is telling you that legally you can stay until 2008. Looks like you have a good agency there, who are not trying to intimidate you. Just tell them no. Also bear in mind that your landlord cannot just give you 6 month notice for you to move out, he has to have a valid reason such as wanting to move in himself. As TU points out, the ADIL will beable to help, but meanwhile there is no point in worrying about it as there is nothing your landlord can do until March.
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