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Yep and for some reason, we Bretons (loosely termed in my case as I am

from Saint Malo [;-)] ) seem to be inundated with the top bods at the

moment...well Villepin took his holiday in Dinard, probably trying

harder this time to fend off the threat from Le Pens lot !!

Mind you

last time here when Le Pen made it to the "final" (nice

phrase !!) the kids come storming out of the Uni, and Lycées calling their

parents all kinds of 'orrible names ! We of course, were aloof from it

all, as we can't vote anyway [:'(] Still won't stop us 'aving a grumble

with the best of 'em [:)]

According to the Express here, the Conservatives are now flocking to

Brittany and putting prices up [8-)]  whist the nouveau riche

(inc.Segolene Royal !!)  are now holidaying in the PACA region.

What market and bus stop by the way ?

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[quote user="Miki"][quote]

Of course, I can only pretend to understand the stinking cesspit that is the political mind, so I am probably yards wide of the mark.


A mere few millimetres at most Jon [;-)]


I must remember to be more metric if I am ever going to get naturalised. And I want to do that so that I can

vote and take a full and active part in the political life of my

adopted land. Also, if I am going to pay the bugger's wages through my

taxes I want some say, however small, in whether they get the job or


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What market?  What bus stop? (there is only one!) Why Josselin, of course.  Our Duc is Josselin de Rohan.  Right hand man or something.

We have just been talking about the battle and just think, if Ségoléne wins, she can pick François to be her Prime Minister!

Talk about keeping it in the family.

Gilles thinks that she is too light weight and says don't forget Le Pen...

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But I thought you were a Redon gal, you  threw me there [:)]

No real chance for Le Pen but he can cause confusion again for sure !

I kind of think Sarkozy has it to lose, as they say but, Ségolène will do for me, for what little that counts......

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Redon?  I wonder why you thought that?

Haven't you been paying attention all these years????[:D]

Don't like Redon but the bit right slap bang in the middle at the traffic lights coming from Malestoit is pretty.  The old bit.  I pass by the new industrial estates on the way to Nantes so don't pass there now.

Need your wellies in Redon....[;-)]

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