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Seeking U.S. expats for Master's thesis research

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I'm a graduate student at Pepperdine University in CA working on a Master's in Organization Development.  I'm looking for some help in identifying interview candidates for my Master's thesis and I'm turning to the forum for referrals.  I'm under the gun to get my thesis completed by January and I desperately need some help.


I am investigating how U.S. managers may need to change their interpersonal leadership style when they go on expatriate assignment in Western Europe. 


I am looking to find U.S. nationals who are working in U.K. France, Germany or Spain (or have recently returned to the U.S.) who manage at least one person.  I will ask candidates to complete a brief, qualifying web survey and hopefully they will also be willing to participate in a telephone interview.


HELP! > Could you participate or refer me to people who might be potential candidates or who might connect me with candidates? I would greatly appreciate the help!


REPLY TO:  jb5712@aol.com




Jeb Bates

Cambridge, MA
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