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EU Directive 456179


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To note please, and action.

EU Directive 456179

In order to meet the conditions for joining the Single European Currency, all citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must be made aware that the phrase "Spending a penny" is not to be used  after
31st December 2006.

From this date, the correct terminology will be:  "Euronating"

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Does anyone remember those wonderful loo's where the little old lady sat outside. You gave her some money and she handed you some paper. Those toilets were always clean and reasonably odour-free.

It's a bit different today as most public loo's in the big towns around here are almost unusable.

(unless you've had your nose sensors cauterized)

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Hi Bugbear,

Talking about little old ladies and loo paper, I remember coming home on leave when I was in germany and the loo's on the motorways always clean and always had someone there looking after them,

When we first went viewing properties here the person showing us around got out of his car and without any warning popped his ------ and started to have a pee by his car, so taking this into account I dont think the french will ever have any thoughts about "how clean is our loo's" do you?

But again you have to admit its a great country to live in.

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