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Our first snow of the year


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[quote user="Dotty "]


I was under the impression that the Alps had snow already?????

Glad you have it now though


Places at higher altitude (about 1600m upwards) have had just about enough snow to ski on during the past few weeks. I am based at 1350m and the only slopes we've been able to open (until today) are the few slopes which have snow cannons on them. But even so, it's been an absolute nightmare trying to maintain them as the snow produced by the cannons doesn't stay put if the ground temperature is too warm. Due to not being at work last week, I took the opportunity to go up the mountain to investigate the conditions a bit higher up, and it was literally a case of having to slalom between patches of grass - it really was that bad! Downright dangerous if you ask me - rocks and bare ground poking out all over the place. According to my colleagues who had the opportunity to work last week, we've already had lots of accidents reported on the pistes due to the conditions. I'm just relieved that the snow has finally arrived and everyone can ski safe and enjoy it.

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Just found out that our daughter (and school party) will not be coming home from Savoie tonight. The coaches are stuck somewhere en-route to collect them,  so theyre all staying for another night! I guess things are pretty bad! Ths snow here in Haute Normandie has all melted during the afternoon.Joy

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It's arrived in the Charente-Maritime! 2 inches in the last 30 minutes and guess which idiots used the last of their wood yesterday?!!! Just lost our satellite, was so looking forward to the 2nd part of 'Five Days' the new 5 part BBC thriller. Tres typiquement.
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Dotty, we have hardly had any snow. In 25 years I have never seen so little and was relieved when it snowed yesterday.  Last year was a pretty good year, I don't think that any two have been the same though, but none like this one so far.

The mountains were bare for most of November, probably all,  and we should have had the first snows then, sort of the base coat. We got a little in December, but compared to normal, it was nothing really. I spoke to a rep at the airport the weekend before christmas and she said that there wasn't much in the 3 Valleys. My son was up at La Clusaz just after New Year and there wasn't much there either.

We now have snow, even down in the valleys at the moment, although I am rather partial to rain in the valleys when they have snow in the mountains. Our minor inconveniences is a small price to pay for the ski stations to have a good snow fall. The whole region is so dependant on tourism.

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I'm glad those who live in areas that ned snow have finally got it.

We must be near Gunner, as it started here at around the same time. The first I knew about it was OH coming in with a huge snowball.[:D]

Dotty, where are your children? You haven't left them out in the snow have you?[;-)]

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Hello tresco

No they are snuggled up in their beds.  I think we will have to stay home tomorrow as we have 12 inch drifts and with the freezing temps, it will probably be trecherous (sp) I'm cr ap at spelling, in the morning.

Have you seen my cat thread?

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Oh good. I see, the alarm clock thing was about the morning?

Well, set it and see. We used to walk to school in very deep snow. I can't say I liked it but it was 2 miles to the primary and 4 to the secondary.

NAturally we were not escorted by our mother. I'm sure we would have stayed at home for tea and toast if that had been required in those days.

I wouldn't drive if it was treacherous, Dotty. You'll know whether it is when you look out of the window, I suspect.

Hope everyone is warm and stocked up.

Off to find cat thread...

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Just been there, the cat thread that is.

ITs stopped snowing but very cold, will see how it is in the morning.  If we stay home, we will go for an adventerous walk, not like just wagging school.  The other kids at college had letters aboutthe buses being late and maybe not making it to take them, so I think the college is prepared for a disruptive day.

That bluddy cats back now, why do they make that noise, like their being throttled.

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Stop it all of you , this is so unfair [:(], I love snow and I was going to be in my place in the Montage Noir now,where I hear its got snow , but Instead Im here in wet cornwall, I have 4 inch of mud if any one is interested!![:-))]  
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[quote user="Gunner"]It's arrived in the Charente-Maritime! 2 inches in the last 30 minutes and guess which idiots used the last of their wood yesterday?!!! Just lost our satellite, was so looking forward to the 2nd part of 'Five Days' the new 5 part BBC thriller. Tres typiquement.[/quote]

When we arrived in autumn 2000 there had been no snow for years. Winter 2004 gave us a dusting and our neighbour said it was the first for 15 years. Another dusting in 2005 and then we shared Gunner's 2 inches last night. We still have wood and expect a top up on Friday. Satellite went down, as did most I suppose, and then we lost the electricity between about 2330 and 0130. The cat went out very briefly and then decided that outside was definitely not her thing. Very quiet out this morning. Not a tire track or footprint on the road as yet.

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Well we must have 8 inches of the white stuff and now its frozen solid.  We opted not to go to school today as its country lane for 3.5kms to the village, so making it very difficult to get there.  I've been trying to call the college all morning to advise the kids are staying home, but so far there has been no answer.
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We've just been out for a tramp in the woods!  Big kids that we are!! [:D]   Parts were well over a foot deep & we spotted some really weird tracks, we couldn't identify - some big, 3 toed animals around here!!  Fingers are soooo cold I can hardly type!!  

Sorry, Pads!!

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It is very strange that others all around and further south of us here are getting snow. We are in SE Dordogne and had falling snow all day on Tuesday. The forecast showed snow for today but it is a beautiful sunny day and most of Tuesday's snow is melting. It is a bit nippy but you could easily sit outside in the sun comfortably [8-)].
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Well, I am afraid I will have to take back what I said [:$]. It was beautiful and sunny here today but very cold. You could not sit outside comfortably here today unless you are a nutter!  I know because I tried [:-))].
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we had a foot of the stuff Tues/Wed. Now it's frozen solid and it's due to go down to -8 again tonight!

Lost the phoneline, and the pwer for a couple of hours. The branches were coming off the trees with sounds like gunshots, mainly off the big pines behind the house.

The school buses ran Tues am, but then I got a call from the directrice saying that they were not running in the evening because no-one would drive them so i had to go and pick the kids up!

Had to dig the car out numerous times as it just wasn't making it up hills! Don't ever buy a Kia Sportage - the 4X4 isn't working and a search on the net reveals that it's a known problem...

The pompiers stopped next to me as I was sliding no-where on a hill. "Can you go backwards" he asked, "yes" I replied, "that's downhill!" "Well go backwards then" he 'helpfully' said and drove off!

Roll on spring :)
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[quote user="hoverfrog"]The pompiers stopped next to me as I was sliding no-where on a hill. "Can you go backwards" he asked, "yes" I replied, "that's downhill!" "Well go backwards then" he 'helpfully' said and drove off! Roll on spring :)[/quote]

Ahh!!  Don't you just love the French, quirky sense of humour!!  [Www]  That sounded horrible - you have my total respect for making it to collect your kids (I presume you did!!)  [:-))]

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yes I did manage to get the kids - and then I had to go back for a neighbour's daughter from the collège as he couldn't get his car out! Luckily he came with me as he was quite handy for pushing the car :)

I'm leaving the spade in the boot too - just hope I remember where it is come spring!
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