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has anyone had any experience of maintenance for children through the CSA when moving to France?

My ex has stopped maintenance payments for our daughter as he claims he no longer has to pay.

Limited research suggests that if we want to take it further we have to take it to a french court, and the result will be upheld by the CSA due to EEC treaties.

Needless to say daughter is somewhat upset that her father has seen to stop pretending to take any responsibility for her, so I would rather not take it to court. I am a little peeved though as he still expects me to pay for her flights back to see him!

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I have never been divorced (yet Mrs Q said) but thought it would be interesting to have a read through the limks. I see we have reciplical (god I miss the spellchecker) agreements to get the money, in fact it works for anything (debt collection etc), not just CSA. The thing that made me smile were the countries that have joned this scheme because I see Zimbabwe is one of them. Like I can see that one actually working.
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How come you pay for the contact visit flights if you don't mind me asking? Did you have to agree to do that to get permission to remove her from the UK? In any case, I'm sure any agreement was based on his paying his child support, so I would certainly tell him to take a short walk off a long pier if he expects you to continue paying for flights!!

well I started paying for her flights so she could combine going to the orthodontist with a few days at her Dad's, partly so she could continue treatment with the same orthodontist and partly because I felt a bit guilty about taking her away.

Needless to say he has now been told that he can pay for flights or I get her treated over here!

We had an agreement that he would pay 1/2 of what the CSA had said, so this made me even crosser that he should chose to not pay at all.

Thanks for the links - I will be looking them up!

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