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E121 also includes spouse because of Ayant Droit!!

Guest CFrost

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Recipients of IB automatically get an E121 which affords the same health care as a French citizen. I have read somewhere that this is also applies to the spouse by the system of "Ayant Droit"

Has anyone come across this? Before I move I am trying to get all the information I can and as you can tell most favourable.

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Hi Horroll

If you have (or are going to get) an E121 then the medical costs of  that person will be refunded 100%. This is unlike a French person who only gets back 60-70%.

If this person has a dependent (husband/wife) then they are refunded like a French person and if they decide to, may take out normal mutuel insurance to cover the remaining percentage.

You will need to visit your CPAM office to get yourselves registered.



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Oops, sorry. I described the situation as it affects my wife and myself and didn't realise that this isn't the "standard" situation.

There is an anomaly here though. Why should I, fit and healthy, be able to plug into the French health system at no cost,except for top up insurance, and others have to contribute?



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Is Benjamin's wife at retirement age ? This would bring him in to cover from his wife, I didn't think it would, if his wife is disabled in any way though and under 65 years old

But even then, Benjamin, under normal circumstances (good health etc) would only get 65/70% remboursement and not full. He has already said he is fit and well, so something is amiss unless he has not admitted to having a mutuelle of course. I feel something is being missed out here !

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That's the anomaly. Wife, disabled, but not yet at pensionable age gets all of her medical costs reimbursed. Me, younger still, fit and healthy gets back 60-70% because, in the eyes of Newcastle, I'm her dependent.

I expect she gets the cost reimbursed for her declared illness only and would have to pay the same as everyone else for general medical care.

It is in the eyes of the French Government that you have health cover because your spouse has an entitlement.



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We came to live here permanently last August. I was 63 at the time so got my E121. I expected my husband (also 63) to be classed as my dependant until he reached 65 and got his own E121.

This did not happen. He was given an E160 valid until the end of this year as he was under retirement age. Newcastle said they had changed the rules about it. When his E160 runs out he will have to request to become my dependant for a few weeks until he is 65. 

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I've just looked back at an old feuille de soins and there doesn't appear to be any way for the doctor to indicate what the consultation was for, so I assume my wife gets total reimbursement for any medical treatment not that just related to her disability.



Maybe the system has changed although this type of forum normally knows very quickly of any changes made by the UK authorities. My wife's E121 was issued early this year.



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We phoned Newcastle yesterday to try to find out what was happening about my husband's E121 which he would get with his pension which starts January 12th 2006.

They were very helpful and actually phoned back today to tell us they would issue the E121 from January 1st since there is only a matter of days between the 2 E forms.

Incidentally she told us something we didn't realise. If a person is under retirement age and has enough National Health contributions in the UK they issue an E106 which means the UK pays for any treatment that person receives in France. When a person is over retirement age and gets an E121 the UK pays a monthly amount to the French authorities whether they need treatment or not. (I suppose this is to make up for the fact that the French are now looking after their pensioners).


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I am well under retirement age and have only a modest amount of contributions in my own name, having stopped work when I married.  My husband is a pensioner and up till now I have received health cover here in France as his spouse.  Both of us have mutuelles for topping up.

But I met someone newly arrived the other day who has been told, as above, that the spouse no longer gets any entitlement until he/she reaches retirement age.

Question 1) What actual retirement age are we talking about? (as in the UK at least this seems to be a movable feast)

and 2) Will this affect those of us who are already in the French system?

and 3) What happens if the older spouse dies beofre the younger one has reached retirement age?.....

Chrissie (81)

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  • 2 weeks later...
The E121 is issued for those on IB or those of retirment age. The medical entitlement is 100% for all treatment under convention. It is up to the French authorities as to whether the spouse or conjoint is placed as a dependent. All preceding according to experience and Newcastle.
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