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Access to property


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I havn't heard anything officially as we would be getting all sorts of demands for help to do this work from folks in odd places I think given the situation with a lot of properties round this neck of the woods and access to them and it has to go past us first to decide how much,if anything, the commune would pay towards the work to be done. If you are really worried, have a chat at the mairie and ask whether or not it is true and if so,where you stand as regards the financing of the work because as you know,tarmac is extremely expensive to lay and the communes only have a certain fixed budget per annum to spend on road repairs which is why you get odd patches done and then a bit more the following year.
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I lived in a house in the wilds of the country in the UK and our local Fire Brigade warned us that they could only guarantee getting their small appliance to us-basically a modified Land Rover.Having said that,watching appliances attend a local fire in 34,everyone was 4wd.
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As part of our Urbanisation Certificate (2003)we were advised that the road leading to the house had to be a minimum width of 3m to allow access for the Firemen. Our track across the fields is about 400m long and we hired a small digger to level and laid down about £2000 worth of mixed gravel .
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Thanks for he replies. I wasn't sure if the width was 3 or 4 metres.

And from Mick's posting it seems that perhaps the person who is doing

the building has to pay for the access road if it's part of his land.

There may be some new building further down the lane from us and people

have been out there measuring up etc. I suppose I should have asked

them. Pat.

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we have bought a property 700m down a Chemin rural, which serves 2 maison secondaire.  Once we move in (after Easter) we have been told that the Maire has a responsibility to maintain the access road suitably.  Currently it is hard packed earth and a little gravel, and we have approached our Mairie to see if they can assist with some extra gravel on the slippiest bits, and to trim back the bordering tree branches (not privately owned) so that removal lorries et al can get in OK and better still, get out!


We are awaiting a response, will let you know if we hear anything.


xx K

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