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New Airport Pays de la Loire

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The Government seems to have given its approval for a new airport north of the Loire River to serve the Pays de la Loire and much of that corner of Western France. For those wishing to purchase property in the area of it might be worthwhile finding out exactly where it is going to be located and what the noise footprint is likelty to be plus plans for new access roads etc.
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That is a big area(Pays de la Loire).  Any ideas as to which end (e.g. Nantes or further inland).  I would suspect it would more likely be the "coastal end" and the more inland areas seem moderately well served (e.g. Tours (near Pays de la Loire), Le Mans, Angers).  Maybe the more coastal cities have airports - just I don't know them.


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There once was an idea that the Vendée was to get it's own airport, but not actually in the Vendée. Our Mighty Leader Mr de Villiers was appearantly trying to negotiate some deal by which the département owned about 50% of the project but didn't have the inconvenience of actually having to find somewhere to put it. I think the plan was to plonk it somewhere near Cholet.

But I thought it was all dead and burried because it was a completely wacky idea with no sensible economic basis whatsoever. Someone did suggest to me that de Villiers wanted to have an airport in the middle of nowhere where it would be possible to avoid employing muslim cleaning staff after terrifying himself writing "The Mosques of Roissy," but I have no way of knowing whether there is any truth in this. It made a great deal more sense (and was far cheaper) to upgrade Nantes a bit. Put in a new café, increase the price of parking, that genre de chose, so they were going to do that instead.

And now it is back on the menu perhaps?

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[quote user="woolybananasbrother"]All over the local press young man, with permissions from Mr Sakrozy, perhaps payoffs?[/quote]

I've not seen a paper today [:$]

But permission is one thing, building it another. There's no economic logic for it with airports left right and centre that could easily handle five times the traffic that they are already. Though, come to think of it, when did economics matter...does Sarko need de Villiers for something perhaps?

And you've not replied to my finely crafted email of this P.M. [:@]

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M de Villiers has also been agitating for a new Loire crossing (bridge) between Nantes and St-Nazaire, so that those travelling south (i.e. to the Vendee) from the future airport can by-pass Nantes.

It will be a grim drive for people travelling to and from the Vendee.  [:@]  (especially if one is in the habit of popping up or back frequently to collect or drop people).
And doesn't it seem a waste of money to have spruced up and extended Nantes-Atlantique (my all-time favourite airport) over these last few years?

Unless PdV can persuade the "low-costs" to use La Roche-sur-Yon [:)] (wouldn't that be nice!), it looks as if switching to using La Rochelle airport is the most attractive option - even for the NW Vendee.  (The La Rochelle to La Roche-sur-Yon train service is quite good.)




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They've been talking about this every since I've been here, so for at least five years now, with estimates of it opening in 2015.  Part of the point of the airport is to divert some of the traffic away from the airports in Paris.  It will be located Northwest of Nantes, along the N165.  I drive that road quite regularily, and there are always all kinds of signs of protest - residents worried about increased traffic, noise, etc. 

I for one am looking forward to it because of the direct flights to the US that it will likely offer - it's such a pain to have to take the train to Paris all the time with all that luggage, and it would be mille fois easier if I could just park & fly from Nantes.

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