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11 year old dies - 44 stab wounds


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Anybody following the story of Valentin, the 11 year old boy found dead in Ain?

His parents are in the process of divorce, and Valentin was staying with the mother's new boyfriend for a few days. 

The police initially thought that he had been attacked by a dog, but the autopsy has revealed that he was stabbed 44 times.  10 of the stab-wounds were defence wounds on his hands and arms inflicted as the child tried to defend himself.


Absolutely heartbreaking.



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I hope they get whoever did that.  Some of the wounds were 10 cms deep.  Just went out for a ride on his bike, just a few yards from the house.  After all those stabbings he wasn't dead and even managed to get part of the way back to the house.

Yes, by the number of wounds they thought at first it was a dog who had attacked him, but no, it was a "human being" who did that to a young boy on holiday.


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The results of the DNA samples taken from the adult's bloody handprint on the wooden gate that Valentin was found beside, as well as those taken from the 150 metre trail of blood leading away from the scene, should be announced today.

Let's hope they nail whoever did this.

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[quote user="babcock"]I've taken to reading Figaro as an antidote to the pink spec brigade. A few days previously a teenager killed her granny for €6000.[/quote]

There was recently a young girl killed for about the same amount.

Cat, I think the trail of blood went over a distance of 1.5 kms.  They say that if it's Valentin's it would mean he was attacked further away.  But where did they find his bike?

I'm wondering if it could be a youngster who did this.


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On a related issue, would others say that crimes against children by adults are more common and, possibly, more acceptable in France than in the UK?  I can virtually guarantee that in the regional (Western France) paper I buy each Saturday there will be an article on page two (the crime page) for at least one child abuse case - be it sexual, violence or neglect.  There is never an editorial crying outrage as you might expect in the UK - they are just treated as run-of-the-mill crimes, like a burglary or car accidents (alongside which they appear).  It's only when it occurs on a huge, institutionalised or monstrous scale that it makes big news.

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I don't know if crimes against children are more common, and I don't buy a French paper, but as far as French TV news goes it it might just be that the reporting style is less sensational.  Everything seems to be given the same weight, be it a horrible murder, a strike, the price of oil or the fact that people more buy ice-cream when the sun shines and Madam Dupont's courgettes are abnormally large this year.

The only thing that seems to get the full blown "oh my god" treatment is when a celebrity dies, and then it gets the number one slot on the news, and their full life history, and tributes from all and sundry, going on for about 20 minutes. 

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Sorry, my eyesight's bad, the girl I was thinking of was murdered by a young man for 600 euros (the granny above for 6,000).  There seems to be no respect or value for someone else's life.



The gendarmes in rural areas do seem to be busy with cases of incest, etc.  Some years ago our neighbour stopped buying the local newspaper for his elderly mother as she was getting very upset reading all the "faits divers".


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[quote user="Cat"]The only thing that seems to get the full blown "oh my god" treatment is when a celebrity dies, and then it gets the number one slot on the news, and their full life history, and tributes from all and sundry, going on for about 20 minutes.  [/quote]

Yes, that rings true.  And why does every 8.00pm news prog seemingly end with a crap "Kultchural" feature, no matter how banal or unworthy?

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Quite honestly, every time I watch the news it's floods, earthquakes, explosions, fires and other disasters of biblical proportions.  I'm not at all religious, but I can see very easily why those that are might believe that the end of days and rapture will shortly be upon us.  If we were living in biblical times now, they'd have to write a gospel about it.

I'm more chicken little myself.

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