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During a conversation yesterday with a fellow Brit the subject of RMI  came up. This other persaon said that I must have heard wrong , I was saying that if someone is claiming RMI etc that they didn`t have their Capital/Savings taken into account only the interest from those savings.

Which of us is right, or is it not as clear cut as that.  Or is it means tested like the UK, ie a cut off point..


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When you complete the form to claim RMI, you are asked to declare the value/amount of all investments (page 3 of http://www.travail-solidarite.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/for_rmi.pdf)

[quote]• Déclarez le montant de l’argent placé ou non placé qui ne vous apporte pas de revenu actuellement (ex. : plan épargne logement)[/quote]

As an aside, the RMI is set to disappear and will be replaced with the RSA (Revenu de Solidarité Active). Combined with the décret « train de

vie », this aims to reduce the number of people on minimum income as well as encourage them to get a job without automatically losing their safety net.

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