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We have been having problems getting some final issues clarified and resolved with a contractor.

It has been recommended that we utilize the services of a "mediator de justice".  The title is easy enough to understand but what is the procedure, costs, etc.

Also is we inform the contractor that this is our course of action I presume they could rectify the problems before we get to a "hearing"?


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[quote user="PeterCD"]"mediateur de justice".  The title is easy enough to understand but what is the procedure, costs, etc.

Also is we inform the contractor that this is our course of action I presume they could rectify the problems before we get to a "hearing"?PeterCD[/quote]

More info (in French) here:


You'd be meeting the "CONCILIATEUR DE JUSTICE", as the "MEDIATEUR" deals with admin based problems.

Let me know if you need help with a translation...

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