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French revolt over Edvige, their Big Brother spy computer


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French revolt over Edvige: Nicolas Sarkozy's Big Brother spy computer

This explains the birth and background of EDVIGE:

Edvige: de Michel Rocard à François Fillon, les pérégrinations du fichier des RG (Google translation)

This is the justification offered by the Sarkozy governement:
EDVIGE: "il faut mieux expliquer la réalité" (Google translation)

A friend of mine used to work for the RG way back in the 80's and her job consisted in typing and filing reports compiled on Miterrand's friends and foes. Another friend who wanted to move to New Caledonia was contacted by the RG and guaranteed a job provided he reported on the Kanaks (independence movement).

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What most articles never mention, is that the new file, is greatly a copy of an existing file which existed at the RG ( Renseignements Généraux).

And nobody ( or very few ) talks about Cristina.

Certainly in a Democracy you can appeal ( in France to the Conseil Constitutionel ) during the given delays. That has been done. Let them decide.

The French have an aversion to being filed. On the other hand they will be quickly there to critic the authorities, when things happen and the competent service have done nothing.

One could say, that anybody who opposes being filed ( under certain conditions on application, with automatic compensation when rules are transgressed  ) has something to hide.

There is also the case of Expats who still can not register at the Mairie ( although in the law ) within 3 months of being in France, because the necessary décrêts have not been passed, because of the question of " listings".



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[quote user="giantpanda"]

One could say, that anybody who opposes being filed ( under certain conditions on application, with automatic compensation when rules are transgressed  ) has something to hide.


One could also say that if one is doing nothing illegal, what one does/thinks/says is nobody's business but ones own.

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[quote user="giantpanda"]One could say, that anybody who opposes being filed ( under certain conditions on application, with automatic compensation when rules are transgressed  ) has something to hide.[/quote]

"... un nouveau fichier policier sera mis en place sous le

nom d’EDVIGE (Exploitation documentaire et valorisation de

l’information générale). Il recensera, de manière systématique et

généralisée, toute personne « ayant sollicité, exercé

ou exerçant un mandat politique, syndical ou économique ou qui joue un

rôle institutionnel, économique, social ou religieux significatif
 ». Sans exception, toutes les personnes engagées dans la vie de la cité sont donc visées.

En outre, ce fichage vise à permettre la collecte de

renseignements identitaires sur les « suspects » (personne mais

également groupe) simplement considérés, par la police, comme

susceptibles, à l’avenir et de manière totalement hypothétique, de

porter atteinte à « 
l’ordre public ».

Il permettra de compiler toutes les notes de

renseignements telles que : état civil, photographie mais aussi

fréquentations, comportement, déplacements, appartenance ethnique, vie

sexuelle, opinions politiques, philosophiques, religieuses,

appartenances syndicales et associatives …

La police sera autorisée à consulter ce fichier en cas d’enquêtes administratives pour l’accès à certains emplois.

Les mineurs ne seront pas épargnés puisque [...] leur

fichage sera autorisé dès l’âge de 13 ans et cela sans qu’aucune

infraction n’ait été commise et sur la seule base de leur dangerosité



("... A new file police will be established under the name EDVIGE. It

will identify, in a systematic and widespread manner, any person" who has applied,

exercised or is exercising a
political or trade union mandate, who

has any
significant institutional, economic, social or religious role." All involved in the life of any town and city are

without exception.

 In addition, the filing is designed to allow the

gathering of identity on "suspects" (any individual or group) simply

regarded by police as likely in the future and totally hypothetical, to violate "Law and order".

It will allow to compile all information such as marital status, photography, but also social c ontacts, behaviour, movement, ethnicity, sex life, political views,

philosophical, religious, trade union membership and association…

The police will be authorised to view this file in case of administrative investigations for access to certain jobs.

Minors will not be spared since [...] they will be filed from

the age of 13 years and that even when no offence has been committed, solely

on the basis of their alleged danger.

Les différents fichiers de renseignements en France (Google translation)

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Every government has an 'Edvige'. The files the CIA keep are notorious. J Edgar Hoover started it. He had files on everyone, ranging from his tea lady to the US President. MI5 in Britain keep a similar database. It's just normal practice to monitor those whom the security services deem of 'interest'. I would be very surprised if any country did not. This current fuss in France is just normal political posturing.
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