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What can babysitters charge?


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What can babysitters charge (in France) for:

(a) evenings and (I see Rose on another thread suggests £5 per hour - is this the consensus?)

(b) longer stints e.g. a whole day?

I had originally tacked this onto the end of a related thread but didn't get a response, possibly because it was hidden.


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We recently used a babysitter for the first time and we paid the SMIC.  There is a website with official rates, noting that it slightly less for employees under 18.  There is also a lower rate if the children are in bed and the baby sitter can 'dispose freely of their time' - we took this to mean that if they are sat watching the TV, whilst remaining in the house, responsible for the children.

Although we paid cash, the baby sitter did request that next time we register for cheque emploi system, so that he was fully insured and also gaining employment status.  I can't remember the web site though, I believe it was a site for young people though & it was french.  If I come across the piece of paper I will post again.

Hope that helps a bit

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Thanks, BB. That is helpful.  I was a bit down that I didn't get an answer because my daughter really needs to know.  I have asked around at the school but no one seems to have babysitters - they have family nearby.  She didn't want to get the child's parents to set the rate.

What is the SMIC? (Is it the minimum wage?)

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If you use the cheque emploi system don't forget that you must pay 10% above SMIC (for holiday pay) and will also have extra taken by CESU to cover insurance etc etc.  Cost will be about about one and a half times the hourly rate you pay.

However:  you can get tax relief on 50% of costs.  They tax office will deduct half the total you pay from your tax bill each year - so you have to be a taxpayer to benefit.  Brilliant system.  See CESU website for more info.

If we have any of the above wrong I am sure someone will correct it, but this is our experience.


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[quote user="Busy Bee"]

http://www.bij-brest.org/spip/spip.php?article519  [/quote]

What a helpful site; the part which might be especially helpful in the OP's case is this bit:

Si votre baby-sitter est mineur, le jeune salarié peut subir un abattement de salaire soit en application de la convention collective, soit par rapport au SMIC. Dans ce dernier cas, si le jeune à moins de 17 ans, il touche 80% du SMIC, entre 17 et 18 ans, 90% du SMIC.


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