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Surveyor = French equivalent?


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Our good American friends may well want to come and live in France from next year.

They have asked us whether we can find the equivalent of a surveyor to view any

prospective properties in which they express interest, i.e. structure, electrics, wiring etc.

In the US as in the UK this goes is pretty much a foregone conclusion, but here in France we have never actually known anyone consult the services of a surveyor. What would be the equivalent

in France please? Would one find them in the Yellow Pages? TIA

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Evain - there is no direct equivalent.  I'm a chartered surveyor and it's difficult to explain what this is in French.  Some people use the word 'expert' but this is a very wide term and is used for, e.g., expert en technique du batiment, expert en puisines, expert en antiquities etc

There are a quite a number of practising surveyors in France and if your friends knew where they were looking, they could google the English term to find one.  That way, they would receive the report in English.

Not many French people opt for building surveys when buying property.


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