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EDF and a knackered lectric meter

Mr Coeur de Lion

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Not sure if this is the right forum for this topic but oh well.

Had our meter read for the first time yesterday and it appears that the meter hasn't been going. In fact we haven't used any electricity since we moved in 6 months ago according to it.

 How will EDF charge us? We pay a set amount of €140 per month. Will they keep that and say thank you very much or will they let us have the electric for free or will they try and fine us for having a knackered meter? Any insight greatly appreciated. Ta.

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No idea about “legal aspects” but I would imaging that the

meter is owned by EDF and thus it’s working is their responsibility.  If they can show the reason it was not

working was “your fault” then they would have some justification to charge you

something.  If there is no evidence of

interference they I would have no grounds for charging you anything.

Their equipment, their responsibility to maintain, etc.  If it don’t work then its also their


Just my opinion as I am no expert.



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I have visited our local EDF office on maybe 6 occasions for various matters and have always found them to be incredibly helpful. Suggest that you toddle off down there - and remember, if all else fails tell the truth. ( That's YOUR local office, not mine[*-)]



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No problems with telling the truth, I know nothing about the meter and we too have found edf very helpful when we set up our account.. The guy who read the meter did say that he would arrange repair of it, so its deffo EDF problem. I just wondered how they went about charging me for the consumption especially as this is my first reading and they wouldn't know any previous consumptions.
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We had a water meter that didn't work for a year or so (must have been a bit of grit jamming it) as we used to give the meter reading to the neighbours eash time neither of us realised the reading were the same, any way as soom as we realised we popped down to the water people and arranged to have the meter changed.

Have just paid water bill, there was no mention of the time it didn't work.


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Similar 'problem' when we first moved in. I spotted that it wasn't working after a couple of months and rang EDF. "C'est pas normal" said the bloke on the Helpdesk.

Appointment made for a week or so later (a one hour slot, "no might be a.m. or might be p.m.") Engineer turned up on the dot, got straight out of the van and announced himself with one word - "Fourmis".

The meter was full of them (apparently a quite common occurence around here). He replaced the meter in 15 mins flat and simply got me to sign his work sheet. "Our problem" was his answer to my inevitable question.

By the way, he just changed the meter and didn't bother to clear out the ants, so you never know, they might well return! Me plastering the box with honey will be totally coincidental.

Just tell them about it and I've no doubt that you won't have to carry the can.


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