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Abuses in the Health system in France


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The IGAS, ( l’Inspection générale des affaires sociales)  has just published a report, commented upon HERE about the vast inequalities between the salaries of different branches of medecine in France.

For example:

les radiologues  168.000 euros, 155.000 pour les

chirurgiens et 147.000 pour les anesthésistes, contre seulement 79.000

euros pour les psychiatres et les pédiatres, 73.000 euros pour les

dermatologues, et 71.000 pour les généralistes.

The report says that there is a lack of checks (a complete lack of checks on the hours worked and on seeing if the Doctor has discharged his resposibilities towards the Hospital) and clarity in the system, and also talks about the  Hospital Doctors who gain a lot more 'on the side' practising privately and charging 'dépassements'  sometimes as much as "417 % pour les chirurgiens", or taking part in medical research "1.500 à 2.500 euros par patient et peuvent aller jusqu'à 5.000 euros en cardiologie"

The report seems to support the view that the system is wide open to abuse, such as "anesthésistes remplaçants peuvent ainsi obtenir de 600 à 700 euros net par jour" if they work as supply Doctors rather than being employed by the Hospital, or others who claim for being 'on duty' when they weren't .

I would recommend the reports  of the IGAS to anyone interested in modern France and willing to try to read them in French.  Unfortunately some are paying

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I had an op two years ago. Had chosen an anesthetist who doesn't ask for " dépassement d'honnoraires", but once in the op theatre , another anesthetist turned up , saying he was replacing the one I had chosen, but he was asking for more !!! [blink][blink]

I did not say anything, but after the op I got a bill , which I refused to pay, cos I had NOT CHOSEN this anesthetist.

Too easy  for them !!!![6] 

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Something similar to Frenchie: I had a routine appointment with a specialist (she charges 28€) just to schedule a minor procedure. When I went to the appt, the specialist was away, her locum did the necessary, and charged me 40€....

Also, a French friend needing surgery on her shoulder, shopped around and found quite a racket in the field of orthopaedics -  where some surgeons (working privately, and with huge cost discrepancies for similar operations) advise surgery unreservedly, when it is sometimes unnecessary.

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